Chapter 5

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"So what happened between you and dad?" Alex asks as we eat pizza curled up on the couch.

"It's a long story and it was a really bad idea. Where do I begin?" I ask leaning back on the pillow.

"The beginning." She states crossing her arms and chucking her pizza crust onto her plate.

"Well, I started working on the X Factor when I was eighteen. I had nothing, I was just getting out of rehab for self harm and anorexia, you know I had those issues. Well I had nothing. I had dropped every acting offer I got because I was going into rehab and I cancelled everything I was working on. My music carrear was also at a stand still. So when Simon approached me with the offer I jumped at it because I needed the money. Your dad set up this watch on me at all times because he knew my back story and when I was having a hard time he would always comfort me and things just happened. We worked on the X Factor together for four years. Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, and the final american season was when I was twenty-one. We got married only two years after knowing each other, we weren't even a proper couple it was just a whim thing. We told the world we were together and I got a lot of critsism for it because according to some of the X Factor viewers I only got the job because I was with Simon. Which is why they cancelled the show. When I was twenty one, I became pregnant with you. I was about to tell him and he dropped the bomb on me that he was moving back to London to do more work with his record company SYCO. I said I didn't want to go because I didn't trust myself with change yet. Then one day I woke up and he was gone. We had a rocky relationship from the beginning. It was a one sided love. I loved him like a school crush and the way we lived it was almost like he was a father to me. We were so lonely and our house was so empty, that's why I was so excited for you. We were strangers and we had been since the beginning. The walls were bound to fall. But we did have some good times." I smile walking into my room.

When I came back I handed her a picture of me and Simon, they are all around my room and I know it's bad but it gives me some sorta reassurance that my life is somewhat normal.

"What's this?" She asks.

"It's a picture from the red carpet. This was right before the premiere of the final season. You can keep it." I say handing her the frame.

"Thanks mom." She smiles taking it into her room.

"I wish we have pictures of him and I when I was a baby." She whimpers crawling over to me on the couch.

"I know love, i'm sorry but you can get several on Saturday." I explain as she gives me a big cheesy grin and we turn out movie back on


Okay wow, two updates in one day. I have like no life. So let's expect updates on Wednesdays yes. I like this chapter because it gives you some incite on what Simon and Demi's relationship was like

Love You All Syd

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