Chapter 6

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Saturday rolled around quicker than anticipated and I am now currently sitting in Simon's passenger seat.

"So what I want to do first is go to the sites. So you will be going to Buckingham palace with your class at the end of the year so I am taking you guys to the eye and to big Ben sound good?" Simon asks as I doze off. I didn't sleep last night I was too worried about today.

I was gently woken up by a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Dem, we're here." It's Simon.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry I dozed off." I reply stretching my achy limbs

"I know. Come on, We are at the Eye, we already drove by Big Ben and Alex was mesmerized but I can drive back by it if you want me to."He smiles

"No, That's fine I am going to be living here until August so I can go see it on my own time." I reply as he laughs and helps me out of the car.

Alex was absolutely giddy when we got to where she was in line.

"Mom this is so huge." She gasps tugging on my arm.

"Yes, It is." I confirm as we move up in line.

By the time we got to the front of the line Alex was on my back.

"Alright just you three?" the attendant asks

"Yes." Simon replies handing him so money.

I place Alex back at my feet and fix my navy blue and red plaid shirt.

At the top of the roller coaster Alex was astonished.

"Wow, it's beautiful." She coos laying her head on her dad's shoulder.

"Yes it is." I agree.

"So where do you girls want to shop I'm buying everything. Even for you Demi." Simon changes the subject as we start to go back down.

"H&M, Topshop, and any other fashion stores you know I don't really care I just want to shop." Alex practically gushes.

After Simon spent over four thousand pounds on us, which he didn't need to we were sitting in a fancy restaurant. We had went to Burberry to get a change of clothes for this reason. My Texas plaid and shorts would not work in this restaurant.

"So how are we going to do this?" I ask sipping on my lime water.

"What do you mean?" Simon asks crossing his arm laying his brandy down on the table.

"Dad, you have Lauren and Eric now." Alex sighs sipping on her water.

"So that just means I have another child to spoil and love." Simon tries to reason.

"Eric needs you more than Alex does we all know that." I cross my arms

"No, that's not true." Simon pushes

"Eric is one Alex is fifteen turning sixteen." I state

"Yes but..." Simon looks like a little kid trying to make up a lie.

"No, she's right." Alex says as our food comes and Simon has the deer caught in the headlights look all through dinner.

When we got home all our bags in tow Alex looked at me.

"Why doesn't the top half of his face move?" Alex asks as we slump on the coach

"He's 45, it's a thing called Botox." We laugh

Despite the disastrous dinner we just had my baby girl had the biggest smile on his face.


So, early update. I am going shopping with my mom this week because she's on vacation. All I know is we are going out of town to different places in the state we live in. Did that make sense?

Anyway, So because I don't think i'll be able to update on Wednesday i am updating for you guys today.

All The Love S:(xoxo

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