Chapter 15

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As soon as I got home I collapsed into my bed. 

"Mom, Mom, wake up." Next thing I know I am being shaken awake by my daughter. 

"What's wrong Alex?" I groan rolling over to face her. 

"Dad's asleep on the couch." She states as I look at the clock. 6:00 in the morning, Geez, I didn't get in until about 3. 

"What?" I ask sitting up. 

"Come see." She states walking towards the door. After I put my bathrobe on and throw my ratty hair into a bun I follow her into the living room, where sure enough Simon Cowell is passed out on my couch. 

"Simon!" I yell as he jumps up. He's always been a light sleeper. 

"What?" He asks startled. 

"Did you follow me home?" I ask 

"Demi, sixteen years ago I made a giant mistake. I should've never walked out of that front door. Later today I am going to call things off with Lauren. I'll have to make something work with Eric but I can worry about that later." Simon sighs as tears well up in my eyes. 

"Simon..." I trail off. 

"No, you don't have too say anything. Alex, what do you say. Do you want to be a family?" Simon looks at her. 

"Yeah." She smiles. 

"Demi?" He asks. 

"We'll need a bigger house." I chuckle. 

"I can agree with that, I need an office and we have to have room for Eric." Simon smiles. 

"Okay, you can move in with us." I nod my head. 

"What about our summer home in London, we live next to Lauren." Alex asks making herself a cup of coffee. 

"Do you like that house?" I ask 

"Course. What I see is spending Christmas over in London every year and then after I graduate and get married we can take my kids over there and it's just a culture thing. I'm part British and so will my kids so I figure give them a piece of England." She states logically. 

"Then we will deal with Lauren then." I shrug.

"Okay, now I gotta finish getting ready for school." She states walking back into her bedroom. 

"Demi, I've missed you." Simon smiles pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Really?" I ask sitting across from him at the table. 

"Really Really." He replies. I just stare at him and the next thing I know it's our first kiss in sixteen years. 

And it was just like it was in the beginning. 


It's short but from here on out until the ending of this book the updates will be sporatic. I'm really glad you guys gave me suggestions to finish this book. So here we go. 4 plus epilogue is left. 

Hope you like my Dimon Kiss. 

Xoxo Syd

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