Chapter 10

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"MOM! WHERE DID MY BLACK SPIKY HIGH HEELS GO?" Alex yells from her room. 

"ALEXIS I DON'T KNOW BUT WE NEED TO RETURN THE KEY IN ABOUT AN HOUR." I yell back throwing the last of my clothes in a suitcase, today we are leaving. It's finals night on the X Factor and after the show Alex and I will be on the first flight back to LA. I know it' s going to be hard for her to leave Simon but we knew it was coming. 

I could tell during the show that Simon was trying not to cry. He kept looking down and blowing out air. It is going to be so hard for him to watch his daughter fly out of London.  He however, would be joining us for Christmas in three weeks so it wouldn't make much of a difference. 

"Bye baby girl, i'm going to miss you." Simon says hugging Alex closely and tightly. It was like he was afraid she would get ripped from his grasp and she kinda was. 

"I'll miss you too daddy, we'll see you in a couple weeks yeah?" She asks 

"Definitely, Bye Dem." He hugs me. 

"Bye Simon, thank you for letting us use your airplane." I smile

"Anything for my family." He nods. His gaze casts down to my left hand. 

"I can send you divorce papers." I shrug

"No, don't do that. Let's just seperate, not divorce. Lauren and I could back fire and it'd be nice to have a place to go to." He let's out a shaky smile.

"Don't intentionally ruin your relationship." I shake my head. 

"I won't" He nods as we bored the plane.  When we were taking off I could see Simon wipe at his eyes furiously. He really didn't want us to leave.

"It breaks my heart seeing him like that." Alexis speaks up from next to me. 

"You could've stayed with him. My life is in LA so I can't but you could've." I tell her. 

"No, I'm not sixteen yet I would've had to live with him and Lauren and Lauren and I don't get along." She shakes her head and could tell she was going to cry. 

"Oh baby, how about we make a deal yeah." I state looking at her.

"What?" She asks. 

"I'll buy a house in London and we can spend the summers here." I tell her. 

"You'd really do that?" She asks 

"Yeah, I really would. You mean the world to me and what you want comes before what I want." I tell her. 

"Thank You Thank You Thank You." She chants hugging me. 

"Okay, we'll come down on spring break and you can pick out a house." I smile. 

When we land in LA she immediately tries to call Simon. 

"No, we'll surprise him. Now, you need to get home. You will be going back to your normal school for a week and then when you go on Christmas break you need to get everything ready for your dad. I suggest you start NOW because that guest bedroom is a disaster." I point to our Range Rover that is sitting in the private parking lot. 

Our guest bedroom is filthy. We use it for storage, we haven't set foot in there since Alex was maybe five and it's cobwebby. 

When I get home Jet leg catches up to me and I fall into a deep restless sleep.


Early Update because I have nothing else to do...I live a boring ass Life jesus. 

Anyway, All the Love XoXo Syd

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