Chapter 28: Fire

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A/N: Inspired partially by TCK...or entirely...enjoy!

The break between the last match of the third round and the final round lasted twenty minutes. You'd expect the participants to go to the infirmary for injuries or visit the blacksmiths to sharpen their weapons, but no one moved. Everyone chose to remain at their tents and treat any wounds, rather than get them healed, and cared for their weapons themselves. Since no one had moved, the final round began quickly.

An Instructor I didn't recognize named Vakil lead both teams to their flags. We remained in the Raging Plains, but moved a few miles from the Academy to one of the coasts. The flags were spaced apart about as far as they were in the first round, both on the white, sandy beach I never knew Palej had. The clear blue sea was completely visible, reflecting the sunlight almost blimdingly.

The beach stretched about a hundred feet into the coast, then cut off to the tall grasses that gave the Raging Plains its name. There were nearly no trees, only small clusters here and there, so the strategy of scaling the trees wasn't an option this round. For a Scout, who relied on the heights of trees, the only part of nature they could depend on now was the heights of the grass, which were from two to four feet surprisingly.

In the final round, the battlefield wouldn't contribute as greatly as the others had. It didn't particularly favor anyone in strategy or technique, so it was decided from the get go that the final match would be decided by strength. Whether that be physical, tactical, or aura strength, it was already decided. This match wasn't going to be quick and easy by any means. To decide the champion, there would likely be a bloody massacre, if allowed.

"So what's the strategy for this round?" Rolen asked Issa as we reached our flag. "I doubt our strategies for the last rounds will suffice against them."

Issa didn't respond immediately. "There is no need to change our strategy." The others turned to look at him in surprise. "There is no room for complication," he continued, meeting our gazes in turn. "We attack and take their flag. Simple as that."

"What about guarding the flag?" Velero questioned.

Issa looked at him. "I doubt the fifth ranker would want to end the final match so blandly. He most likely wants to prolong it for his entertainment. I can't say it is impossible, but the likelihood of them coming for our flag is next to null. Tenran isn't the type of man to end a match he so greatly anticipated so easily."

No one responded to his assessment. It couldn't be denied the fifth ranker would most likely lengthen the match for his amusement. Even though he had went for the flags in previous matches, that was only to quickly end the battles. So far, his opponents had been weak, in his opinion, but he had acknowledged the fact Team Five was strong and would put up a challenge. Why would he end a match with some of the strongest in the tournament by simply taking a flag?

"But I'll stay behind, just in case," Issa said. "I want you all to go out at once to win this. Capturing the flag is out primary goal, but not our priority."

"Priority?" Kei asked, sounding almost as lost as I was. "What is it?"

"Annihilating them."

I felt the others bristle at the words filled with nothing but utter confidence. There was no trace of doubt in his words and I found myself bristling with the others. I knew Issa was incredibly strong, but could he combat Tenran? The fifth ranker of the Academy? The Select Seven were practically monsters compared to ordinary students, could we really be a match for one of the them?

As if he heard what I was thinking, Issa's dark gaze fastened on me. Thankfully, before I broke into a sweat at the sheer pressure of his gaze, the Instructor's voice sounded around us. "Both teams have arrived at their flags. Begin!"

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