Chapter 18: And It Begins

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Did you know there are thousands of styles for swordsmanship? Styles differ depending on the skills and attributes of a person. Some styles are based on strong attacks, others on strong defences and counterattacks, some consisted of both strong offense and strong defence. Styles have varying and specific moves developed in different ways. The majority of styles are developed for strong consecutive attacks capable of blasting through multiple opponents. Of course, there are also styles that use single blow attacks with enough strength to spend a battle.

Besides the styles based on the strength of the user, there are also styles that are based on the opposite; the use of no strength at all. Usually this refers to counterattacks and the sort, so in a nutshell, it's just using your opponents momentum, force, and strength against them. This conserves your own strength and energy. This style is mainly used by women, children, and those incapable of withstanding the training of harsher styles, yet it is a rare style to see, outside of the Academy that is.

The mainly used styles inside of the Academy are strength-based, counterattack-based, and speed-based. Strength-based styles were usually used by male students and strong female students. Counterattack-based styles were used by male and female students, usually with smaller or weaker physiques. Speed-based styles were also used by both males and females mostly with slim, agile bodies.

At Kurona Academy, there were teachers who had mastered these styles and taught whomever wanted to learn. So, everyone was given the privilege of choosing the style they want to learn and their master, if they are accepted, as Masters had the choice of rejection. It was a part of the Academy system.

First years were, not surprisingly, rarely accepted by Masters, so they could only use the basic training taught to them in class. First years only received the most basic of movements during the first month of entering the Academy. So, usually, because they wouldn't last a minute, hardly any first years took part in the main festivities of the festival that occurred the second week of class.

The Festival of Spirits.

The Festival marked the beginning of the new academic year. It spanned over three days that centered around different events. Those events were usually used by students to show off what they'd learned and rise in ranks.

The first day of the Festival was the Team Tournament, where teams of five students teamed up to fight in a competition of some sort. The competition changed each year, as they were decided upon the Headmaster's whims.

The second day was the Singles' Tournament, where students participated in one-on-one battles. This was the tournament where almost no first years entered, as the majority of participants were serious. Winning in the Singles' Tournament could raise ones rank and lower another's. During the battles, there was a high chance of fatal injuries, though death is prohibited. It was discouraged, but first years were allowed to participate.

On the third and final day of the Festival, the last and most anticipated event occurred. The Spirit Ball. It was, as the name suggested, a ball. All years attended and were allowed out of their uniforms. The ball also congratulated the winners of the tournaments. They were awarded in many ways. One way was the choice of dancing with anyone from the Select Seven. For some reason, that award made the number of participants increase greatly.

And I had to participate in both tournaments, the ball as well, though I had no interest in it or the awards.

At the moment, it was the day before the official start of the Festival of Spirits. Students of all years were preparing for the next day. The excitement was clear in the air and possibly contagious. Raifa was practically stabbing our walls full of holes in anticipation. I, apparently, was immune to this...this disease known as 'festival excitement'. I was dead tired from practicing all week with my brand new, gorgeous longsword, Obsidian.

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