[Extra Chapter 2: Reminiscence Part 1]

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A/N: I don't feel like going into the next tourney yet, so I wrote this little thing. It's all in third pov, so it sucks, but practice makes perfect, right? I split it once I got writers block again, so...the end is sketchy. I added extra details to this so now I have to go back and edit some of the first chapters. I hope you enjoy, if you can....And disregard some of the illogical information. I was bored, sue me.

Two days before the start of the Festival of Spirits, Lareria decided to use her rare free time to visit the Grand Library. It was a free period due to the unexplained absence of one of her teachers, but none of the others seemed worried, saying it was normal for teachers to be called away for missions. As soon as she learned there was nothing to worry about, she slipped out of class silently so she wouldn't attract attention. Or more specifically, a certain hazel-eyed scarf wearing aloof jerk. She wasn't avoiding him, just trying not to run into him for as long as the hour long free period lasted.

Which was much harder than you'd think, considering the boy had been near stalking her whenever the opportunity to train arose. Thankfully, Deth, as always, payed little mind to their classmates, and Lareria was already out of the room by the time he realized their teacher would not be coming. Lareria almost felt guilty for just leaving him when she knew he wanted to use every chance he had to get stronger for the festival, but she couldn't feel an ounce of it when her muscles were already burning with pain from the night before. She didn't know how he did it, training well past midnight and still wanting to go at it the following morning.

She wasn't going to miss the chance to rest after back-to-back training sessions.

She didn't want to train, despite the tournaments starting in just two days, but she was aware if she trained too much, the effects could be...detrimental. She didn't want to end up missing the entire festival due to one of her "fits", so she snuck away to the quiet library. It was only her second time there, so she was sure it would be one of the last places he'd search for her. She'd have at least half an hour before he found her if she had to guess.

She sighed as she walked through the maze of tall bookshelves. She was no stranger to being chased after, though to be thoroughly beaten at swordplay wasn't exactly the reason. It wasn't nearly as enjoyful as that.

Lareria sighed again at the unsavory memories she'd unintentionally dug up. She flicked her eyes around her to distract herself, searching for a book to occupy her time until Deth found her- because there was no doubt he would eventually.

After a few minutes of catching sight if strange title along the lines of 'The Tales of Ingrad Fuiren' or 'Guide to Channeling the Soul', her gaze was drawn to a book that appeared out of place, which was strange when all the books were separated by genre. She reached for the book on a high shelf, standing on her tiptoes for a moment as her fingers barely brushed it. She pouted frustratedly, only because she was alone, and almost gave up but an irritating memory suddenly went through her mind.

"Who'd have thought someone like you could make such a face?" The green-eyed boy said, smirking. "I wonder what they would say?"

Lareria's eyebrow twitched and she nearly kicked the bookshelf, but decided she couldn't take out her anger on the books. Instead, she put the strength behind her jump and quickly slid the book off the shelf. She smiled triunmphatly as she slid her eyes over the book.

'There is a Fine Line Between Life and Death'.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise as she skimmed the synopsis on the back. Unlike the books surrounding it, it wasn't a true story of the past or study material. As far as she could tell, if was a novel, realistic fiction from the looks of it.

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