2:: reading between the lines

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:and maybe i deserve it, i hope you understand what you are to me
(i hope you understand, del water gap)


i found myself standing in the middle of a hallway. beige cement bricks surrounded me in the corridor. the lights overhead were on but supplied barely enough light to see.

there was a figure standing at the end of the hallway but fear didn't spike in me, i found some sick comfort in knowing that in a creepy hallway, i wasn't alone. the other person could be my company rather than help me escape it.

we could just be.

it didn't seem to cross my mind that being in a crammed space with another being of whom i don't know, could harm me, i just thought of a positive hangout with me and a stranger.

or someone i know. from the distance i'm at, i cant tell who they are. i've tried to make out who it could be but it's too fuzzy for me to even see where i'm at.

the figure was originally blurry, but i could start making out who they are. i could see they had the body of a male but i wasn't going to assume. as my vision cleared up i could figure out who it was.

i could see sapnap towards the end of it. i felt a smile creep up on my face. i was ecstatic to see him with me. i felt all giddy on the inside as i always feel around sapnap.

"sapnap!" i called out, trying to get his attention as his name was repetitively said down this echoey hallway. he smiled at me. "dream!" he yelled back. we matched each others excitement to see one another.

i walked down the corridor until i was standing right in front of sapnap. i stared into his eyes and smiled. "hey there handsome." the words rolled off my tongue and flowed perfectly. my arms moved to wrap around sapnaps waist. they fit perfectly around him.

it felt so normal to hold him in my arms like this.

he pulled his hands up to hold my jaw. "hello." he responded. we stared at each other, not wanting this moment to end.

i moved my head down to be inches away from his. my eyes averted from his to look at his pink lips. i moved one of my hands to drag my thumb across sapnaps bottom lip. i watched as my thumb tugged it to the side before it fell back into its original place.

i moved my head closer to his, slowly filling the gap of air between us. sapnap and i were so close that our noses brushed past each other. i got sick of the space between us and wanted to fill it.

i moved closer and closer until me and sapnaps lips finally connected. the pressure of his lips pressed against mine, the way they slide together so smoothly. sapnaps hands moved to tangle in my hair, slightly pulling on the curls but it didn't bother me.

there was no lust in the kiss, it was love and want, but in the best way possible. i wanted to slide my tongue into his mouth and get a feel of everything. i wanted to possibly get a taste of his saliva, but i didn't want the kiss to change moods like that. i yearned for this love and passion.

my hands moved from sapnaps waist to hold his neck, but not to choke him. sapnap didn't seem to mind. he didn't seem to care about anything i did. i had a sense of control over him.

and i loved it.


dream heard the familiar ringing of his alarm in his left ear. he lazily opened his eyes before shutting them again. he hated how bright his room got in the morning.

he opened his eyes again to turn off the alarm that was making him slowly go crazy. once the blaring noise was off, he was shot with the memory of his dream.

dreamnap : thoughts u won't say aloudWhere stories live. Discover now