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I had to go from Mountain Village to Paladin Peak without dying.

It's annoying because sometimes the map doesn't load in properly and then I fall to my death (If you die, you have to re-talk to an NPC to restart the quest because you're not allowed to fast travel to Paladin Peak for it). Luckily, I only died once.

I nearly died when I got Astron because I started to freeze to death. However, before that I was sweating because I nearly got struck by lightning three or four times there.

Comet: Was it worth getting Astron?

I'm not even sure anymore. It's the best Soar Spirit in the game-

Miracle: You know, you have to do it again because you've chose the Dark Path, remember?

I know. I kind of regret my decision. This is what happens when you decide to abandon the NPC you have to find for treasure-

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