Old Memories Become New

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Late into the night I hear a nose of the floor creaking. I slightly sit up to see a dark figure looming over Felix's crib. The person looks at me and puts a finger to her lips shhhing me and then takes my son away.

I jolt up and look around my room. I run over to Felix's crib and see it empty. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." I panic franticly look around for my son. After a couple of minutes I hear a adorable coo. I whip around and see my son on top of the book shelf holding a bottle of milk. "What?" I ask out loud. "Henry? Emma?" I call out in the apartment only to get silence. I look over at the clock to see it's 2:08 PM.Damn! I've never slept that long before! I get my son down and walk into the kitchen. I jump up onto my bed grabbing my son still very confused oh how he got up there.

As I'm making my son something to eat Emma opens the door and walks in with a satisfied look. "Who'd you get this time?" I ask mixing the sweet peas.

"Just thrown some wanna be creep pirate in jail." I drop the spoon. "Dressed in all black with dark hair?" "Yes? Why?" "He was watching me while I was coming home from the doctors. He stopped me and gave me this." I say digging though my purse to find the bottle. I hand it to Emma and she exams it.

"Hey would you come with me somewhere?" Emma asks. "Sure." I say grabbing my son and walking out the door with her. "You just wanted me to come with you to get Henry?"I ask as we drop Henry off at the apartment. "No we're going to talk to the pirate who wanted you to drink that bottle."

Emma POV:

"Haha I knew you two wouldn't let me rot in that cage. I've been in my fair share of brigs, but none as barbaric as that. They force fed me something called bologna." He says coming down to (y/n) and I. "What the hell are these? We never lived in a town called Storybrooke. We never took a flight from Boston to New York. We never did any of this." I say looking at the pictures again.

"So you two believe me then?" "I don't know you could have photoshopped these pictures." (y/n) says. "Photoshopped?" "Faked." "If you think these are forgeries, then why did you two spring me from the brig? Because as much as you two deny it, deep down you know something's wrong. Deep down you two know I'm right."

"It's not possible. How could be forget all of this?" (y/n) asks. "I promise you there's a explanation." "Not one that makes sense." "If you drink this, it will." He get's out a bottle exactly the same as (y/n) showed me. "You still have yours?" He asks (y/n) and she pulls hers out. "If--If what you're saying is true...We'd have to give up our life here." "It's all based on lies. It's real and it's pretty good. I have Henry, my bestfriend, a job, a guy I love."

"Perhaps there's a man that you love in the life that you've lost. Regardless, if you want to find the truth, both of you drink up. Trust your gut Swan it will tell you what to do." "Henry always says that." "Then, if you wan't listen to me, listen to your boy." He say and I grab the bottle opening it. I turn to (y/n). "On 3... 1...2...3." We both drink the liquid and memories flash in my mind. "Hook." We say at the same time. "Did you miss me?" He smirks.

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