Lock and Release

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(y/n) POV:

In the morning we walk to Granny's Diner. I've missed this town. "Is this place even good?" Henry asks "Best in town." Emma replies and opens the door and we sit down.

A couple minutes later the door opens again and Mary Margret and David walk in. "Henry this is David and Mary Margret." Emma says introducing them. "Are you helping my mom with the case?" Henry asks. "Or are they the ones that jumped bail?" He asks leaning closer to Emma. "Oh no no no. They're just...Old friends."

"From where?" He ask as I hand Felix his bottle. "Here." and "Phoenix." were said at the same time. "Well, Phoenix and here." Emma corrects.

"I thought you were only in Phoenix for...being in that place." Henry says referring to Emma's jail time. "Right. We were cell mates." The woman says. "Really? What were you in for?" He asks interested. "Banditry." She replies sitting down "People make mistakes. The important this is... to fins a way to keep moving on." Mary Margret says.

"Did you know my dad?" Henry asks. "Should we order? Let's order." I say seeing Emma's reaction. A coffee cup falls causing everything to go quiet. We all turn to see my mom. "Oh I'm sorry. I...Didn't mean to startle you." She says looking at Henry and I. "Um i-it's okay." Henry says to her.

Emma gets up and walks over to her. "How old is he?" Mary Margret asks me. "He's 10 months." I say smiling at my handsome son. "May I?" She says asking to hold my son. "Of course." I say passing him over the table. "He's so precious." She says holding him.

As we eat a man comes in and whispers something to David. "We have to go..."We've um got something for the case." He says and gets up. "Was so nice to meet you." He says to Henry. "Can I go?" I ask. "You have Felix. Plus it could be dangerous." Emma says. "I can watch him." Mary Margret says with a smile on her face. "Are you sure?" "I need all the practice I can get." She says picking up my son and sitting him on her lap. "Thank you so much." I say and walk out with David and Emma.

Emma POV:

"This. This is where he was taken." Robin Hood walking to the line. "I wouldn't step over that line if I were you." I say jogging over to him. "You think little John was carried away because he tried to cross that line?" "Makes sense--The dwarfs were out checking the line to see if anyone was coming or going when they disappeared. What exactly took Little John?" Davis asks.

"We didn't get a good look--some manner of beast with wings." "Sounds like the monster that attacked me in New York." I say remembering Walsh. "You mean the monster you were going to marry?" Hook says teasingly getting a elbow to the stomach form (y/n). "You were going to marry someone?" David asks looking at me. "Did you just miss the part where I said monster?" Hook says.

"We need to find Little John." Robin says. "It may lead us to everyone else who's gone missing. David take him and the rest of his--" "Mary men." "Right, them-- and run a search grid, and see of you can find any sign of their missing guy." "You not coming Swan?" Hook questions. "Not yet.Regina was right I'm not going to figure out who's behind this curse by talking to people one by one." "What are you gonna do?" David asks. "I'm gonna talk to everybody...Including Pan so come on (y/n)." I say and walk over to the car driving back to town.

We walk over to the station and unlock the doors walking in. "Stay here." I tell (y/n) as I walk in the room where the holding cells are to see a someone sitting on the bed. "Pan?" I ask walking closer to the cell. He looks at me with wide sad eyes "I'm sorry." He replies. "I should have know better. He didn't deserve that. I was being selfish. If I could take it back I would. I would have just gone with (y/n) and forgot about the heart." He says not looking up. "How are you alive? We all watched you die." I ask looking at the weak boy.

"I don't know I died and now I'm back. When I woke up I was in here with this." He shows me his arm that has a big gash with dried blood all around it. "How is she?" He asks referring to (y/n). "Why don't you see for your self." I say unlocking the cell door.

(y/n) POV:

"Come on in." Emma says and I walk into view to see my Peter looking tired and weak. "My lost girl." He says strutting over to me. "Peter." I say happily and hug him. "I though you were gone." I say into his shoulder. "As did I." He says setting me down. "You need to meet someone." I say to him and pull him out the door running to the apartment.

We walk up to the door but before we go in I explain. "Henry won't remember you at all so don't act out of the ordinary." He nods a nervous look on his face.

Peter Pan POV:

(y/n) opens the door and walks in with me behind her. "(y/n)." Snow White says coming closer to us. "No. It's okay. He's okay." She say. "Felix is asleep up stairs." Snow White says. Felix? I look at (y/n) confused. "Come on. It's time you two met." She says pulling me up the steps. As we come to the top I see a bed with a little baby sleeping.

"Who is that?" I whisper to (y/n) not removing my eyes form the child. "Peter that's our son." "I-I have a...Son?" I ask feeling light headed. I can't believe my actions got me killed and left the love of my life alone with our child. "Oh darling I am so sorry I left you alone. I won't ever do that again. I promise. Never again." I say holding her close.

"Do you want to hold him?" She asks. "Yes." I say with a smile on my face. She picks him up making him stir slightly and passes him to me. It feels different holding him then it did Rumple. I feel happy and proud looking at my son. Maybe it's because I never fully loved Rumples mother, but I know now this is the life I was meant to have. Took me forever to get here but I did, and I'm never letting my family go. Never again.

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