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(y/n) POV:
"How much longer till she wakes up?" I ask sitting on the edge of the bed near Mary Margret. "I don't know but in the meantime, you can tell me how you're still alive and how you got here." She says looking at me. "When I died at birth Regina put a preservation spell on me so I would keep my form and not decay. As time went on and the curse came I found myself being able to see the outside world without opening my eyes. I thought it was just heaven but I was wrong. One day, 12 years after the curse was cast; my mother came to visit me. She opened the glass case and stroked my face saying "I love you my little dove." She then picked me up and held me as if I was just sleeping. She cried letting a teardrop on my face. After a while, she set me back into the case and went to visit my father. It was then when I opened my eyes and got out of the case. I crawled up the steps and out of the graveyard. I crawled for I don't know how long. As I came into view of cars speeding down the road one stopped and got out. An old man picked me up and drove me to the orphanage where I met Emma. In my time of growing up, I could never make sense of what happened, but when I slept I use to go to a place and a boy helped me solve the puzzle of my past." I say reviling my life story to her.

"You." A voice says from behind us. We both turn around to see my mother awake. "You saved me?" She asked Mary Margret. "No Regina. Your daughter did." She says and steps out of the way to revile me. I step up closer to her. "How can it be you? You have ripped away from me at birth." She asks. "That doesn't matter. I'm here now and I don't ever want to leave again." I say grabbing my necklace. "You never will darling I'll make sure of that." She says grasping me and pulling me into a hug. "I love you, mom," I say letting tears run down my cheeks freely. "I love you too (y/n)." She says holding me tighter.

"We wouldn't let you die. Despite our differences, we're family; all of us." David says patting me on the shoulder with a smile. "Where are they? Where are Greg and Tamara?" My mother asks pulling away. "They got away." David answers. "So they still have it." She signs. "Still have what?" I ask looking at her. "A trigger." She answers running her hand through her hair. "A trigger?" David asks. "A trigger that will destroy Storybrooke." My mother says.

"Why exactly were you carrying it around?" Marry Margret asks. "She was gonna destroy us." David answers. "I was going to use to beans to take Henry back to the Enchanted Forest." My mom explains. "And in the process kill all of us." Mary Margret says shanking her head. "You want to discuss justification? You were going to abandon me. Or shall we discuss the more pressing issue? Which is that I no longer control the trigger." My mother says with a sassy tone. "I need to go tell Henry," Emma says sounding weak and broken. "We'll go with you." Marry Margret says pulling David along.

"As short as our time was together (y/n) I'm happy I got to meet you properly." My mother says getting up and putting on her shoes. "I didn't know they made those boots in black!" I say almost amazed. "Oh, so you do have good fashion like your mother." She jokes and walks out of the room with me beside her. The door opens and Henry, Emma, David, and Mary Margret walk through it. "Mom!" Henry exclaims and hugs my mom. No wait, wouldn't it be our mom? Weird. All of a sudden an earthquake comes though.

"Regina, was that..." "Yes. The diamond was activated." Mom says with a worried look. "So we're all going to die," Henry says. "No. You and (y/n) were born here so you'll live." My mother says to us. "No, I was born in the Enchanted Forest." I corrected my mother. "(y/n) you died in the Enchanted Forest but you were reborn here in this world. Technically You were born here." She says back to me. "But... We'll be alone." I say sadly. "No, that's not going to happen. You did this now make it stop." Emma says. "I can't. There's no way." Mother answers back. "We'll figure it out. It's your fault." Emma fires back. "Stop! I already lost my dad. I don't wanna lose anyone else. We have to work together." Henry says.

"From the mouths of babes. I'd say the lad has a point." A new voice comes from the door. A man walks in wearing all back with a hook for his left hand. Hook! Peter used to tell me stories about how he and Hook used to battle and how Hook would lose every time. I would do anything to see him again. He was my first friend, first kiss, first... yeah ok. The last time I went to see him was on my 15th birthday, after that, I couldn't go back. I tried but something was stopping me. "Are you coming?" David asks, ripping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah," I say and follow them out.

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