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The boat wobbles back and forth as we go into the portal. In a matter of seconds, we splash into the water as if we were underwater. "Is that it?" Emma yells looking at the dark island in front of us. "Aye. Neverland." He replies steering us closer.

"How did you do it?" I whip around to see Mr. Gold/ the Dark one/ Rumplestilskin. "Do what?" I ask confused. "How did you come back from the dead? No one has ever been that powerful. You died at birth and yet here you are." He says. "I guess I'm different," I say not interested in telling my past to the most feared man in the Enchanted Forest. "Indeed Ms.Mills. Indeed." He says and goes below deck. Why does he have to be so creepy?

I walk over to Emma and her parents. "We'll find Henry," I say to her. "No, you won't." Gold says coming up from below. "Oh, that's a perfect use of our time for a wardrobe change," Hook says from the wheel. "I'm gonna get Henry." Gold says. "We agreed to do this together." My mother sneers at the evil imp. "Actually, we made no such agreement." Gold says back to her.

"Why are you doing this?" Emma asks. "Because I wanna succeed." He says. "What makes you think I'm gonna fail?" Emma asks. "Well, how could you not? You don't believe in your parents or magic or even yourself." Gold says back. "I slayed a dragon. I think I believe." Emma says. Damn slay girl! "Only what was shown to you. When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know the kind where there's absolutely no proof? I've known you for some time Ms. Swan, and sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that...bail bonds person. Looking for evidence. Well dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland." Gold burns Emma.

"I'll do whatever it takes." Emma says truthfully. "Well, you just need someone to tell you what that is. Sorry Dearie. our foe is too fearsome for hand-holding. Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild, and sadly... Yours doesn't." Gold says and spins his cane and once it hits the ground Gold has vanished.

What will I do if I see him? He probably hates me. He could never love someone like me. He can't love at all. He told me it was a weakness. I think he's wrong. It's not a weakness, it's strength. He's just scared that he'll lose the one he loves. He probably loves Wendy anyway. All the stories go with the 2 of them together. Why should this be any difference? Yeah sure, I thought he was the love of my life, but I was wrong. He could never love me.

The boat crashes against a wave and it sends me to the ground. "What are you doing?" My mother yells to Mary Margret and David who are at the wheel. "Trying to keep it steady!" Mary Margret yells back. "Prepare for attack!" Hook yells. "Be more specific." My mother says. "If you've got a weapon then grab it!" Hook says again. "What's out there? A shark? A whale?" Emma asks, looking over the edge. "Worse." Hook says spinning the wheel. "Mermaids!" I yell, getting a strange look for Hook. "Mermaids?!" Emma asks. "You better believe it Em." I say looking over the edge with her. "I'll try and outrun them." Hook says rapidly spinning the wheel.

"How many of them are there?!" Emma asks. "I will not be capsized by fish!" David yells and runs over to a cannon. The fight continues with David shooting chains at them and Emma and Mary Margret fishing. "Enough of this!" I say and walk over to the edge and through a blue fire ball at them making them shriek and swim away. "We caught one!" Mary Margret yells.

They pull her up and lay the fish down. She wiggles and struggles trying to get back to water. "Get that thing off my ship!" Hook yells. "No." I sass back walking around the fish. "Shouldn't we try to see why they attacked us?" I say. "How are we gonna get that information by torturing her?" Mary Margret asks. "Well if need be sure." My mother says coming up next to me. The mermaid picks up a shell and blows into its sound off a horn.

"What the hell was that?" Emma asks. "A warning. Let me go...Or die." The mermaid speaks. David grabs the shell. "What is this?! What did you do?!" He yells in her face. "Let me go." She says in a seductive voice. "Not until you tell us. Or we make you tell us." My mother says. "Threatening her isn't the way to motivate her." Mary Margret says. "Well we're all out of fish food." I say to her.

"It doesn't matter if you get her to talk. Mermaids are liars." Hook says. "Of course they are." Emma says, rolling her eyes. "Maybe they're just scared of Pan. If we let her go, maybe they'll be on our side." Mary Margret says. Yes of course! They can help us fight from the sea! Brilliant! "Or maybe she and her friends will come right back to kill us." My mother says.

"Oh, I don't need my friends to kill you. You'll kill yourselves. Now let me go." She speaks again. Lighting and thunder strikes louder than I've ever heard before. "A storm! She called it! Don't let her go! She'll swim off and leave us all to die." Hook says.

David pulls out a sword and puts it to the mermaid's neck. "Stop the storm then we'll let you go!" He demands. "That's more like it Charming." My mother says. "I'm in the mood for sushi." I say leaning down next to her smirking. David looks up at his wife and softens his look. "No. We're not barbarians." He says and walks away. "What we're going to be is dead!" I yell. "Hold on, I'm gonna turn her around." Hook says and turns the ship the other way.

"Make it stop or die!" I say to the mermaid. "We are not killers!" Mary Margret yells to me. "Yes you are, and you've brought this death upon your selfs." The mermaid yells. "You want to kill me? Do it! you know you can't! You're too weak! No wonder he didn't love you! He put up the wall so you couldn't come back. Now let me go!" She say just for me to hear. "NO!" I yell at her. I grip her hair and wave my hand over her turning her into wood.

"That's my girl. That should stop the storm." My mother says. "(y/n)! What did you do?!" Emma yells looking at the horrific wave headed our way. "What have you done?!" She yells again. Everyone holds onto something as the wave comes and soaks Everyone. "Why would you do this?" Mary Margret asks me. "You're going to blame her?" My mother yells at her stepping in front of me. "She turned the mermaid into wood!" Mary Margret yells back. "She did something about it, which is more then what you can say!" My mother yells. "Undo her spell! Bring back the mermaid!"

This is my fight. "And what, you'll win her over with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers?!" I yell at her. "Considering that your plan failed, at least we could try!" She yells back. "You're such a naive princess!" I yell at her getting tired of this. "And you are such a..." She swings her fist up to meet my cheekbone knocking me over and hitting my head on a mettle beam. Seconds later everything goes black.

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