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(Y/n) pov:
Our group sits around in the meeting room at granny's when my mother stalks in with a smile and rosy cheeks. "Regina. If I didn't know any better I'd say you look smitten." Mary Margret says. My mother scoffs. "Well if I didn't know any better I'd say Haagen-dazs is smitten with your stomach. Can we get started?" She asks picking up my son who reaches for her.

"We were waiting for hook." Emma informs her. "I don't have time to wait for the handless wonder. We have to figure out how to destroy my sister." My mother says earning a light laughter from Peter.

"For once I agree with Regina." Peter says. "You better agree with me more than once or this thing... done." My mother says referring to Peter and I.

I sit up ready to give my input. "There's one thing about this plan that doesn't fit... you mom." "Well you're also apart of this (y/n). Zelena had more than a little interest in you as well." David says making my mother shake her head. "No. She's not getting involved with her anymore. Not after what we saw. You need to figure out what happened with your magic before you batter kermit the frog again, but me; I'm the whole point of it. So she can take my life for herself." Mom says.

"Yes, but why bring you back to storybrooke? Why bring any of us?" Emma states. "No one has ever successfully cast a time traveling spell. Perhaps something from this world makes it possible." Peter throws his idea out.

Then mom starts. "But what's almost as troubling is that she was able to cast the curse to bring us all here in the first place." Emma furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Why is that?" "To do it you have to give up the things you love most. From what I gather Zelena doesn't love much." Mother states.

Emma shrugs. "Neither did you. You managed." My mother face becomes cold. "Zelena's smart, strategic. Perhaps we discovered something in the missing year to stop her." "And then the only way to stop us from interfering was to bring us back here and wipe our memories." The charmings throw out.

Peter shifts and fiddles with his bandage on his arm. "So if we get our memories back, we might already know how to defeat her. All we need to do is break this curse."

I look at Emma and smile. "Good thing this town has got a savior." "I would love to but there's one problem. Last time all it took was me believing in magic and kissing Henry. Since I've been back I've done both and nothing." Emma says.

I snap my fingers coming to an idea. "It's the belief. Henry- he needs to believe! In this new life he doesn't. We have to get him to believe again."

"So what do we do? Put on a magic show?" Emma asks. Mother sighs. "How did you believe?" "The book. The storybook." "That's what started Henry on his original path and what got you to believe. It's the key in him believing, in him remembering. Remembering everything." Emma sighs. "That's not necessarily a gift. He's been through a lot of tough stuff."

Peter shakes his head. "Including me trying to kill him." I place my hand on his back. "You know that's not who you are anymore Peter. Plus Henry's life hasn't all been bad. Some has been good stuff. Either way it's our best bet." Emma sighs. "Let's find the book."

(Enchanted forest)
The group of Regina, Snow, Charming, Belle, and Robin Hood enter the dark ones castle. Regina walks forward and reaches for the door. "Your majesty I wouldn't." Robin states. Regina scoffs and moves on with her original plan while Robin shoots an arrow and sends the trap door into flames.

Regina turns around furious. "That arrow could have took off my head!" "That door could have took off your arm. Where I come from a simple thank you would suffice." "Where you come from people bathe in the river and use pine cones for money." Regina fires back.

"Come on let's go." Snow says and ushers the group future into the room. In the corner of the room Rumpelstiltskin sits in his cage spinning gold from his spinning wheel, and mumbling meaningless words. The group approaches and calls his name. "Rumpelstiltskin."

He giggles in response. "Rumple dumple isn't here. Rumple dumple... gone my dear."

Regina advices. "He really is back from the dead."

"Dead. Dead. So much better. Both of us were better dead. Dead." Rumple says and looks at the empty cage beside him. "He's lost his mind." "ON THE CONTRARY! Now I have two... three if you would have gotten here earlier! BUT now two minds. Mining time. Digging deeper in the grime."

Snow exams the other cage seeing it the same as the other minus the wheel. "What is she doing to him?" Belle asks with tears filling her eyes.

Rumple giggles again. "Not only me. No no no. Us dearie. Was two, but now one."

"Nothing that can't be undone. Rumpelstiltskin we need your help. How do we stop Zelena?" Snow asks. "Round and round the circle of time racing towards the finish line. Papa so curious to find it first. Broke free and sprung away. Just like he did that one awful day."

"This is pointless!" Regina states. "Let me try." Belle steps forward to the cage. Belle grabs his hand. "I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. How do we stop Zelena?" "Light." "W-what?" "Light magic. The good witch of the south-- Glinda." "South of what? Oz?" Rumple growls. "No! Banished! Here! Banished north. North of the dark forest. Mhh possible papa knew too! Follow him if you find him." Rumpelstiltskin then giggles into madness.

"Him? Who? And how do we find her?" Snow asks. Rumpelstiltskin look at her and simply states. "Papa." "Pan? You killed him." Regina says. "Back he is! On the hunt for his princess of course! Ohh and Glinda... through the door step inside if pure of heart then she won't hide." Rumpelstiltskin finishes in a fit of giggles.

David hangs his phone up and turns to the others. "Golds was a dead end. That was Belle. No book in the shop."

Mary Margaret turns to my mother. "Regina you said the last place you saw it was in Henry's room." "Yes but it's not there. Swept away by the last curse."

"A book can't just disappear." Peter argues. "But it can just appear." Mary Margaret says elaborating more. "The first curse. It just showed up in my closet when I needed it. Or more accurately when Henry needed it." "What do you mean?" Emma asks leaning forward.

"He was going through a rough time. He was realizing he had been given up. He didn't feel like he had a real family." My mother scoffs offended. "He did." "That may be but Regina he wasn't feeling that way with you or with anyone. He needed to believe in happy endings again. That's what the book gave him." "Well he needs to believe again. In fact I think we all do. What do you say we go check your closet?" Mom suggests.

We all exit Peter holding Felix and my hand. Emma stops by Henry. "Hey kid I gotta run. I got to check on a lead. You okay to stay here longer? I'll call you later." She says kissing his head.

As we all exit Henry follows after us. "Where are you really going?" He asks angrily. "I told you I'm following a lead." "What lead?" "It's my job. It's complicated." "Is this about the person who killed my dad?" "Yes." "Then tell me!" Henry argues.

"Henry it would just be easier once it's all solved." I say trying to make him drop it. "You two have been lying to me ever since we got here! I deserve to know everything. Like who is he? Huh (y/n)? You show up with him one day and suddenly he's acting like Felix's father? We never keep secrets! We're family!" Henry yells.

Peter steps forward. "Henry, no you don't deserve to know everything. Emma is your mother and she knows what's best, and you have no right to stick your nose into any subject that isn't yours including (y/n)'s personal life. So you're just going to have to deal with this for now okay? Understood? You don't argue with them!" Peter says to him in a strong booming voice causing Henry to step back. "Yeah. I-I think I do." Peter nods his head and walks back to me getting shocked faces from the group.

"Wait. Mom. I-I need your keys. I left mine in the room and if I'm going to be a prisoner I'd like to have my game boy." Emma sighs and hands over her keys.

Peter stops and turns to me. "You know what love? I'll meet you there. I've got something I have to check on." "Okay well just call me Peter." He smiles and kisses my head. "Of course. Love you (y/n)." "Love you too." He leaves one last kiss before he walks off the other way.

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