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(y/n) POV:
"Peter somethings wrong. I get sick at random times and I feel bloated all the time. Somethings not right." I say to him as I read the book. "I told you. Your body is just adjusting to Neverland. Everything is perfectly fine." He says laying beside me and wrapping his arms around me. "Why are you reading about the growth in Neverland?" "Because after only one night here my hair grew like 3 inches," I say and continue to look over the page.

"Neverland is different. Sometimes the days are more like months but you won't feel it." He explains. "So I've been here for 4 days and Neverland is speeding up my growth to 4 months? That's crazy." I say and close the book. "Some people are more affected than others. It will return to normal in a couple of days don't worry." He says and pulls me closer.

But what did the shadow mean by the things that grow within us?

"Stop it!" A faint yell comes from camp. "Ughhhh. Can't you just let them fight it out on their own?" I ask as Peter gets up pulling me along. "And miss all the action?" He chuckles. We come to see a lost boy fighting with Henry. "Not bad.  But wouldn't it be more fun if you hand real swords?" Peter says coming closer to Henry. "I've...Never used a real sword." Henry says a little scared.

"This is Neverland, and you have the heart of the truest believer. You can use whatever you want. You just need to believe Henry." Peter says pulling up the stick. "Close your eyes and believe you're holding a real sword." Henry does as he is told and the wood turns to steal.

"Come on Henry what are you waiting for?" I say and walk over to Peter. Henry lunges at the lost boy with skill. "Come on! Go for it! Keep going!" The boys cheer him on. "Come on Henry!" Henry slashes the boy's wooden staff and cuts it down to his hands and then slashes the boy's cheek while everyone cheers.

"I'm sorry! It was an accident." Henry rushes to say. "Henry, don't you know the best thing about being a lost boy? You never apologize." He hands the sword back to Henry and turns to his boys. "Well come on!" He says making the boys cheer and Henry holds his sword up in pride.

Later in the day, I walk up to the lost boy that Henry cut. "Here. Let me clean that up." I say and pull him over to a rag and some water. "Why?" He questions. "Because it could get infected and you could get sick," I say and dab the rag on the cut cleaning the blood. "This won't heal it completely but it will make the pain go away. Just squeeze my hand if it hurts." I say and wave my hand over his cheek using a healing spell. The boy hisses and grips my hand. "I know I'm sorry. I'm almost done." I say and take my hand away. "You'd be a good mother." He says and smiles at me. "Oh, um thank you," I say and walk off.

"You know what I've always loved about you?" Peter asks sharpening a stick. "How I've been able to beat you at your own game?" I smirk crossing my arms. "Is that right? Want to test that theory?" He asks with a smirk. "Only if you're prepared to lose," I smirk as he stands up and picks up two sticks.

He swings at me and I easily block it. I purposely swing at his stick and then sweep my leg under his feet so he falls. He quickly gets up, pushes me against a tree with the stick to my neck. "Looks like I've one lost girl." He says smirking down at me. "Nope," I say shaking my head with a playful look on my face.

Tree branches come and wrap around his arms and torso lifting him into the air. "That's not fair." "You never said any magic. So looks like I've won once again." I say let him down. "You've gotten better love." "Well I had lessons from the best," I say kissing him on the cheek. "I'll be back." He says giving me a quick kiss and walking over to Henry.

I walk to the tent and look at myself. Gosh, I'm so fat! My jeans feel tight and I feel like a boat. The things that grow within us. Ok... I get sick, I look bigger...that only happens if someone... No. No-no-no. This isn't possible. I can't be...no I can't even say it.

I pull out a potion book and look for something to help me find out if I'm right or not. Surprisingly there is a spell for everything. Even to make animals talk! "There you are," Peter says hugging me from behind. "What are you doing?" He asks confused. "Oh um, nothing I was just curious of what the most weirdest spell is," I say quickly. "You truly are one of a kind love."

"How is Henry going to save magic?" I ask turning around facing him. "Oh please, you're not interested in that plan. You don't even need to worry about it." He says going to sit on the bed. "Well, I want to know. He's basically my brother, I don't want him to get hurt." "He doesn't need to save magic. He needs to save...me." Peter says looking down at his feet.

"What's wrong with you? You seem fine." I say sitting next to him. "Far from it actually. I'm dying love." I shake my head tears threaten to spill. "No no you can't go. You can't just leave." I say trying to hold back my tears. "There is a way that I can stay. Henry can save me." "How?" "He needs to give me his heart." Peter sighs and grabs my hands.

"(y/n) you need to listen to me-" "No, if you get his heart then he'll die won't he?" I ask and get no answer back. "Peter you can't do that." "Are you really choosing an 11-year-old over me? It's life or death, Him or me. You can choose to stay here with me and while thanking Henry for the sacrifice he made, or you can let me die and we can never be together again. You're choice." He says standing up and walking towards the door.

"Wait." He swiftly turns around and looks at me while I get up and walk to him. "I choose you. I'll always choose you." He puts his hand on my cheek. "That's my lost girl." He says and pulls me in for a kiss.

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