Chapter 22.

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"OH MY GOD! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" her Mother-in-law asked in shock.

Neli saw that Hazel suddenly moved because of her Mother-in-law's loud voice, after a few seconds she slowly got up from the bed, Hazel's face showed fear and surprise when she saw her inside the room. Hazel tears also fell quickly which immediately made her blood boil with anger.

"A-aunt, I... I didn't mean--."

"You didn't mean it?" she asked angrily. "This is your plan from the start, right? You even hurt my friend, why are you playing like a victim now?"

"I... I didn't... Caleb suddenly--."


"I'm... I'm sorry." Hazel said while crying.

"What is happening here?" her Mother-in-law asked Hazel but she didn't answer.

"Aunt, let me explain--."

She saw that Hazel was about to get up from the bed when she suddenly stopped, it seemed like she wanted to show that she couldn't get up because she was naked. Her Mother-in-law immediately went to the bathroom and got a robe to put on Hazel.

"Did something happen to you and Caleb?"

Hazel didn't answer again, instead she just bowed in front of her Mother-in-law causing her to hit Caleb hard on his arm to wake him up.

"Wake up and explain everything!" her Mother-in-law said enraged.

"What?!" Caleb said angrily when he woke up, there was a hint of surprise on his face when he opened his eyes and saw his mother. "What are you doing here!?"

"That's all you can say to us, Caleb?" her mother-in-law said angrily. "What did you do to Hazel?"

Neli closed her eyes because of the pain she was feeling, she even felt her tears fall down on her cheeks. She wanted to be angry with Caleb but she couldn't, she regretted everything. She knew that he was in heat because of the drugs but she chose to leave him, she shouldn't have left him alone in his room earlier.

"Explain everything Caleb!" her Mother-in-law even threw a pillow to Caleb's face. "Did you do it to Hazel?!"

"Auntie, it's okay, I'm okay." Hazel said with a sad tone on her voice. "It... it was... an accident."

"Do you want to ruin both of your reputation!"

"Mom, can I talk to my wife first?" she heard him ask.

She raised her head to look for Caleb, she was a bit surprised when she saw him looking at her. But she can see the pity in his eyes, which made her irritated, does he feel sorry for her because of what he did?


She saw her Mother-in-law take a deep breath to calm herself before hugging Hazel.

"We will wait for you in my room." she said then held Hazel out of the room. "I'm sorry Neli, but we need to talk to you later as well."

When she heard the door close, she forced herself to stand up. She bravely faced Caleb and wiped her eyes.

"Okay, explain now."

They promised back then that they would give each other a chance to explain whenever there's something happened to them.

She saw Caleb was about to get off the bed so she immediately covered her face, the irritation she felt for him suddenly disappeared and was replaced by shame. How could he stood up all of a sudden without wearing any clothes, is he not ashamed of himself? Even if they are married and sleep together in their house, she never saw him naked.

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