Chapter 55.

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Caleb didn't let his wife leave his side, especially now that they found out that Hazel escaped from prison. He also informed his family about it, he also called Sergeant Pascual who guarded Hazel in prison to find out what happened and how she escaped.

Sergeant Pascual's face was as white as paper when he and his wife arrived in his office that afternoon.
He immediately told them what happened.

Sergeant Pascual rushed Hazel to the emergency room after he called his grandfather, but the sergeant and his two police companions were forbidden by the doctor to enter the emergency room because according to the doctor they are not allowed to enter the emergency room.

"But she's a criminal, we have to watch her." Sergeant Pascual said angrily. "We just don't want her to die so we brought her here to the hospital."

"Sir this is a hospital and not a prison, and for us she's a patient." the doctor answer. "We have protocol that civilians even the police officers are not allowed to come inside the emergency room."

"The fuck with that protocols, bring her back and we will just go to another hospital if we are not allowed in the emergency room."

"Are you saying we should just leave the patient die?" the doctor asked him seriously.

The sergeant didn't answer his question, he knew it was the doctor's job to treat all the patients brought to their hospital but he didn't think that the doctor would prevent them from entering the emergency room.

He couldn't do anything but wait for Hazel to come out of the emergency room, at that moment the sergeant regretted why he took her to the hospital. Sergeant Pascual started to get nervous, it was almost six o'clock in the evening but Hazel was still not taken out of the emergency room, the two policemen who were with him were also panicking.

They have seen several patients come in and out of the emergency room but at this moment they still haven't let Hazel out. Until he knocked on the door of the emergency room, an angry nurse immediately opened it.

"Sir, please keep quiet." the nurse said to him. "This is a hospital and not a precinct."

"Bring me to the patients name Hazel Canlas now!" he ordered angrily to her.

But the female nurse just frowned.

"I've been a nurse here since this afternoon and we don't have a patient named Hazel Canlas."

The sergeant's body immediately frozen because of what the nurse said, he couldn't help but shiver with fear. He immediately showed the nurse his police badge and quickly entered the emergency room, he didn't care about the hospital's protocol because he had to find Hazel.

"Sir, calm down."

The nurse said as he opened the curtains one by one inside the emergency room, but he had already opened all the curtains there but he didn't see Hazel. He was about to enter a room there but the nurse immediately stopped him, saying that it was an operating room and he could not just enter.

"Please wait here Sir, I will inform the other doctors inside that you want to come in."

After a few minutes, one doctor came out of the operating room. The sergeant immediately asked if there was a patient named Hazel inside the operating room, but the doctor said that no one named Hazel among their patients.

He also allowed him to go inside and peek into the other rooms where the operations were being carried out, but he couldn't see Hazel from there.

"Is there any other way out of this room other than the emergency room door?" he asked the doctor after he told him what happened.

"There's a door in the emergency room that you can use to go inside the hospital and go to the hospital pharmacy."

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