Chapter 50.

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Neli was taken by her husband to the mansion the next day, today is the day where Grandma will bring her to the location of her new coffee shop inside the mall she owns and her Mother-in-law also told her that she wanted to buy clothes for her to wear when her belly grew.

They went to the mall after her husband left to go to his work, they first went to the location where her coffee shop will be opened. The workers immediately stopped working when they entered, the renovation was about to finished as well. She designed her shop to be warm and cozy yet elegant, and she made sure that there would be space between each table to have a private space so her future customers could relax and talked comfortably. There is also a large balcony outside and from there they could see the huge buildings that surrounded the mall.

After seeing the interior of her coffee shop, they decided to go out to find something to eat when the head contractor suddenly approached them, he was accompanied by an old man and two women.

"Good morning, Old Madam Valdez." he greeted Grandma, he also bowed and greeted them. "Old Madam, I want you to meet Senator Sanches and his wife and daughter."

The old man who was probably in his late fifties immediately introduced himself and shook hands with the three of them, he also introduced his wife Tanya and her daughter Sanya Sanches who is almost the same as her age.

"What brings you here, Senator Sanches?" Grandma asked.

"You see Madam, my daughter planned to open a coffee shop at this location a month ago, she completed all the requirements to open her business but unfortunately we didn't know that this location was already occupied."

"My granddaughter will open her coffee shop here as well, and no applicant applied to this location last month." Grandma explained. "If you want I will inform you once there is a vacancy in my mall."


"Sorry, I can't help you if you will ask me to give this location to your daughter." Grandma said firmly. "We started the renovation two weeks ago and we are expecting to open the shop within a week."

"No, I mean... perhaps you will allow my daughter to be your granddaughter's business partner?"

"No, I'm sorry Senator Sanches."

Neli noticed the sadness on the Sanches family's eyes when her Grandma refused, maybe they really like that location because they personally went there this early morning.

"Grandma, can we talk to them while we're eating?" she asked smiling.

The Sanches family's eyes immediately shone because of her words, her Grandma couldn't do anything but smile and sigh.

While they are having lunch, she tells them that she will accept their offer to be her business partner, which makes the three happy.

"Are you sure, sweetheart?" Grandma asked her.

"Do you really want to have a business partner?" her Mother-in-law added.

"Yes Mom, Grandma." she answered them.

She knows how busy her Mother-in-law was with her business and she also doesn't want to disturb her Grandparents' time with each other, so she has decided to hire a business partner so that somehow someone could help her in the shop that she will open.

She's glad that Mrs. Sanches somehow knows how to operate a coffee shop, she also said that they have found three potential employees so if she agrees, they can hire them to help to decorate and merchandise their shop.

After they settled everything, they said goodbye to each other and said that she will call Sanya when the renovation of their shop is finished so that they can start putting the necessary machines inside the shop and arrange their decoration.

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