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Uh, hello.

greetings. I do hope you have time to talk, I know this job can be time consuming.

I... Suppose I have the time. Please, sit down.

Now, is this going to be a statement?

No, No, I just need to have a few words with you.

Well then... go ahead?

Life... it's a funny thing, isn't it, archivist? Every single person is just... so full of life. and yet the moment it's snatched away, you become nothing. Well, nothing but food for the bugs in the dirt.

I... hope you don't mind the intrusion. Your predecessor was an enemy of mine, and well... I had to come see how the institute was faring after losing their "special little birdie". Such a shame, what happened to him. You are aware of what happened to him, right?

Ah... I was told it was a heart attack.

[the stranger laughs, hearty and strong.]

Well, I can't imagine the head of this institute would tell you the truth of the matter, but that's certainly not what I'd call it.

In any case, I came to warn you. Things will not go your way, archivist. Not in the long run. Not when you look at the bigger picture. You're special. This archive- and everyone in it- is special. That's not a good thing. Think of it like... being the narrative's favourite.

That doesn't sound too bad.

Oh, It doesn't sound bad, but trust me. You're better off not sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

[scott stands up]

Will that be all? (he's clearly irritated)

Yes. goodbye.

[door creaks]

[scott sighs]



//who could this be?//

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