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I... Lied. Scott asked me if I recognized anyone mentioned in that tape he got, and I said I didn't but... That was a lie.

I knew Tango in high school, and I know for a fact that he has a statement in here somewhere. I didn't know he moved to Edinburgh of all places until I started working for Grian, and I saw Tango giving a statement.

If I can find it, I'll do Scott's Job for once.



Well... here it is! I may or may not have locked myself in a supply closet in order to record this.

Statement of Tango Tekk, regarding an architecture project that has had adverse effects. Original statement transcribed from interview August 8th, 2020. Audio recording by Scar Goodtimes, archival assistant in the Life Institute, Edinburgh. Statement... Begins.

Do I... Know you?
Oh, Oh! We were in the same architecture class in college.

Well, since that class, I've gone on to found Tango Technologies– a small architectural firm I've been planning for a while.

I came to talk to you about a project I've started and since finished that's seemed to have... certain effects on myself and my roommate, Jimmy.

When I got the email a few months ago, I didn't think much of it. They just wanted a blueprint for an escape room, with a space station as the main theme. 2 main rooms. I could do that easily. I thought.

I started workshopping ideas with them almost immediately. They sent me ideas for puzzles they wanted to use– a password they had to guess that turned off the alarms and "started the oxygen pumps" using a simple pattern recognition system, that sort of thing.

Looking at the blueprints for too long when I wasn't actively working on them gave me a strange feeling... Vertigo, maybe? I don't know. Jimmy got the feeling too, I think. That was about it, until... I finished the blueprint. Since it'd been finished, there was no way for me to actively work on it, and I think it... knew that. After I sent the final pictures over to the client, I stared at it for what felt like hours. I'm not sure. Maybe it was just a few minutes, but... I felt like I was going to fall into it if I looked away, like it was going to... eat me, or something.

For a minute I think it did.

Jimmy managed to snap me out of that quickly enough, though. Thank god for him, right?

Oh come on, like he hasn't snapped you out of bad things plenty of times.

In any case, I think that was the week he went on that hunting trip with his sister. I was alone for the day, so I decided to try and figure out what the hell was up with that blueprint. The client never asked for anything more from me, didn't even ask me for a physical copy of the thing, so I decided to make a 3d model of the thing.

It was even worse than the blueprint, I swear. Uhm...

In this file, you can find the blueprint along with a hard drive of the 3d model. Warning you now. Sorry. I have to go.

Statement ends.



Ok I did all the things Scott normally does, and I found the file.

[papers rustling, small thud]

Whoops! Haha. Okay, this must be the blueprint. whoa...

[a long beat of silence, then static. Scar shudders a bit, before shaking his head. The static stops immediately once he starts speaking.]

Uh. Yeah. Major Vertigo. Let me put this back.

[Papers rustling.]

I'd check the file if my laptop worked down here. Sucks that it doesn't, it might make the job less boring.


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