Well Well Well..

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•Haileys P.O.V•

I woke up in kies bed, I was really confused, I guess I got really wasted last night? But I got up and I went out the door and I heard voices in the room next to me and I put my ear up to the door and all I heard was, "We all fucking knew it!" Pope whispered yelled, "oh shut up!" "But it's tru-" JJ said but then when I opened the door their faces all turns around to me. "Uhh.. h-hi..?" They all turn to kie and then say stuff like "hi, Hailey, good morning but excuse me!" Pope said, "yep! Bye hay barrel!" JJ said, "uh.. hay barrel?!" I said, then JB and Sarah walk past me to saying excuse me but good morning gotta go, something like that. Then it was just me and kie. "Hey uh.. how's your head?" Kie said as she walked towards me and shit the door behind her, the hallway we were in was kind of small and we we're literally inches away from each other, we were very close. "It kind of hurts and I don't really like remember anything at all from last night." "Oh yeah.. well you didn't miss much you just got really drunk and the boys were play fighting it was like stupid, but, let's go get to something for your head, follow me." She grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. I think the others are out back but I don't know. I sit up on the counter just cause and she grabs a pill and places in my hand and then fills up a cup of water and gives it to me. I took the pill and drank some water and then kie said she would meet me out back with the other because I needed to change. I put on blue ripped jeans and a dark navy blue top on with a white jacket on with my white socks and white converse, and I had two black hair ties on my right wrist with a purple bracelet and on my left wrist I had on 2 random bracelets, and I just brushed my hair and teeth. I went out back to meet with the others and I sat beside kie on one of the chairs. "So what do we got planned for today?!" JJ shouted, "wellll.. so you all know about the gold will be found at the water? That shit? Well I have found the location of it!" "Shit! Really?" Pope said, "yes!" JB said, we all made a plan and then went out there to go look for it and then we found the crawl space. JJ was singing this song, singing about how that 80 year old blind as a bat lady is a killer or something I don't know but pope found something and was being really loud about it. "Guys!" Pope whisper yelled, "what?!" "Shh dude?! What?" JJ and  JB whisper yelled too,  They went up to him and then they started removing some boards, "Well Well Well.." Pope said, "that was a great dad joke Pope" JB said,  "this is where she hid the bodies." "JJ" "really dude?" "Well JB, we found the water and that meansss.." I started, "the gold.." he smiled at me and then we all looked down in the well.

At night we all went out and Me Sarah and kie said we were gonna go turn off the breaker on the porch since it was motion sensor lights. We went up there slowly, "shit!" Sarah said, "what?" "What is it?!" "It leads into the house.." we all looked at each other and then went inside. We followed the wire and it lead us to the breaker and we turned it off. "Yes!" I said. Then we heard footsteps, a shotgun and a voice, "shit!" Kie whispered.

A/N- ohhhh shitt!! Let's see what happens in the next part!!! Hope your enjoying! Bueee🩷

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