The gold

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The old lady went past us and we quickly got out of there, but we split up along the way, I went into this room and I thought the girls were behind me but they weren't. I panicked and I slowly opened the door and the lady was right there! I quickly shut the door and then she started breaking it down! Then I heard kies voice, sounds like she was trying to take the gun away from her. Then I heard something thrown across the room and I'm guessing it was the gun but then kie opened the door and she looked into my eyes and said "hey! Are you good?" "Yeah.." we stay like the for a half a second, she then pulled my hand that she was holding and our fingers were intertwined and we ran down to where the others were. "They you guys are!" Sarah whispers. She gave us a little group hug and we hugged her back and then she pulled away looked down and gave kie a little smirk before walking away. I realized what she was looking at, she was still holding my hand, I looked down and back up and her and then she turned her head and looked down quickly and back up at me and then we slowly letted go of hands. Kind of didn't want to let go, she probably thinks it was weird that we were holding hands for that long...
Then the crazy came down the stairs and started shooting. JJ got caught off guard and let go of the rope, but knew it was okay since JB was saying he found something and told him to hold on, "get down!" One of them called out we all hid back and ducked and she was shooting everywhere but missing, then kie and Sarah grab the gun from her. I saw that JB climbed out and then we all ran to the van. Me and kie were next to each other and the van was going and then JB was running but finally got in. We all were saying "she's crazy!" Kie said "bitch can't aim!" Sarah said, their voices were overlapping but then, "wait what's that?" Kie said to John b, "no you didn't!" Sarah said "HOLY SHIT!" I called out "we did it baby!!" We all were cheering and saying "full kook! Full kook! Full kook!!" Then I took me back to when kie and I were holding hands, were we having a moment? Did it mean something? No, I'm probably just letting my mind wonder and then I closed my eye but I felt myself slipping away and it was good. I shot open and my and gasp. I guess people didn't hear it but I guess kie did, while the other were chanting full kook, kie and i were looking into each others eyes while her hand was on top of mine. Then I felt dizzy and sick then there was pain, I took my hand to where to pain was and winced in pain then I looked at my hand, it was covered in blood, and kie was looking at the time but, "kie.." "yeah?" She looked confused but worried. It got quiet once everyone realized, "I'm shot.." then everything went dark..

A/N- sorry this is kind of short but the next part is long! :) bueeee🩷

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