New school

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Today was a brand new shitty day of my life. I got up and got ready for school, I put on a red shirt with little ruffles at the bottom of it and on the sides of the arm hole and I put on black ripped jeans and then I put on my grey jacket I didn't zip it up but then I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth, I put on socks and my white shoes and I didn't do anything really with my dark brown hair since it was already straighten. I was kind of excited to start to go to the Kildare County High School. Finally I don't have to go to that terrible Kook school. I walked through the door with my one strap of my backpack on my shoulder and then I saw you. You had a green top on with light blue jeans and grey converse. I stopped admiring you to be focused on finding my locker. "Ohhhh my goddd! Where is it?!" "Hey! Umm do you need help?" "Oh! Hey kie! Uhh.. yeah, yeah I do.. I just transferred here and I can not find my stupid locker" "it's okay, I'll help you find it!" She gave me a smile and now there was this pit in my stomach, this always happens when I'm nervous. She took my schedule and looked at the locker number. "Oh! Your right next to mine!" "Oh, that's great!" I said with a smile. I followed her to my locker and I put my combination in and it only took 2 tries before I got it open. "And I'll also help you to you're classes since we've like got most of them together" "oh okay, thank you!" "Yeah, your welcome." After that we've became closer of friends.
Weeks later•

"Oh come on! They'll love you!" Kie said as she was dragging me to the Château, "noooooo they'll hate me!" "Nooo they won't I promise you!" She stop dragging me when we were feet away from the house. "...fine" "yay! Now come on!" She grabs my hand and we started walking to the Château. When we went inside my anxiety went to the roof. I walked in and saw everyone. "Hi, I'm.. im Hailey" "sup Hailey, nice to finally meet you! Kie has told us-" "shit up JJ!" JJ put his hands up and walked away and sat down on the couch. "Hi! I'm Sarah!" "Nice to meet you!" I say to her while giving her a smile. Then I met Pope and John b and they were all very nice to me.
Weeks later after hanging out with them and spending the night at kies and her spending the night at mine and Sarah even joining in sometimes and we would all each spend the night together and one another's house. This time kie was at my house and we were in my bedroom. "What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask. "Mmm.. let's watch.. Murder Mystery 2, the one with Adam Sandler!" "Okay sure! Let's watch it!" I put on the movie and it was pretty funny but shortly after we both fell asleep.

In the morning we both woke up and I went out just to make sure my parents weren't home, they usually never are. Me and kie went out to get breakfast. I cooked French toast and it was really good. We got changed and I was wearing a blue tank top with baggy black jeans and I was wearing kind of a big jacket and I was wearing white socks with white shoes and my hair was in a low bun. Kie however was wear a white top and light blue jeans and black socks with white converse. Her hair was half-up half-down but the half-up part was in a bun and there were two strands of hair on the sides of her head in small braids. We met up with the Pogues and Sarah was saying "hey guys so what are we thinking of doing tonight?" "Hmmm... I don't know maybe we could grab a keg and have a little party? Huhhh?" JJ suggested. Kie rolled her eyes and smiled the pope said "I meann.. I guess it is an occasion? Sooo I'd be down with it!" "What occasion?" I asked confused. John b gasped dramatically and looked at the other who were playing along while I was hella confused. Then kie look down at me and smirked at me and said, "of you being a Pogue" "hell yeah baby!" JJ said and then we started cheering and whopping. Kie pulled me off the chair I was sitting on and the we all started to set up the party. Now I get to experience a Pogue party! Let's see what it's all about!

A/N- whoop whoop! The next part will be kies pov! Bueee!!! 🩷🩷 hope ur enjoying!

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