A stormy day

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It's been days, Sarah and JB are dead, there was a big storm that hit that night. They were said to be dead by the officers cause who could've survived that storm. All of us still hanged out. I was getting more abused and stuff and we were all very upset about their passing but something tells me that they're not dead. I don't know it's just this feelin. Then in class, we all got a text, the same text. It was the same photo of JB and Sarah! We all looked at each other in shock and then we grabbed our stuff and ran out of there as the teacher was yelling at us. We were outside and then kie texted if it was ready them, JB asked if JJ was there and he said yeah "did you pimp my shirt board?" We all burstead out laughing and it was them, they were alive!
"We need to come up with a plan to clear John b's name" Pope said, "yeah, so anybody got ideas?" Kie said, we came up with a plan but I had to be out of it because my mom wanted me home, that was never a good sign.
I walked in the door and my mom greeted me with a hug, I was confused but mostly really scared cause I have no idea what will happen. "Sooooo, hailey, I know the dance is coming up..." -what? T-the school dance? Yeah... I'm not going..." "no! I-i mean of course you are honey! Look someone is waiting for you in your room." I slowly walk up the stairs and open my door. Fuck! I say to myself in my head. "Hey darling" Rafe said. "Get the fuck out!" "Awww, now why would I do that? I know you secretly misssss meeee" "are you fucking high on coke or something?! I said what I said! Get. Out." I was sooo annoyed and scared and really mad. I didn't want this person that destroyed my fucking life to be a date to a stupid dance I didn't want to go to. "No!" He raises his voice at me. He closes the door. This is where I would or should scream out for help, but I was so scared and it just brought me right back to that day. The day that everything changed forever. And plus. Who the fck would care anyways? "W-what are you doing?" My voice cracked, "Oh don't worry darling, we're.. just gonna have some fun? Right?" Those are the exact words he said to me. I didn't notice but tears were coming down my face and I saw that my window was open and I didn't even think twice before jumping out of it. I hurt my leg really badly but pushed through it and ran, ran as far away as I could've. Somehow I made it to the château. I knocked, no one was answering so I just kept on banging really hard on the door. Then finally JJ opened up, "oh hey Hailey!" "H-hi.." then he notice my tears on my face and my limp, "umm... did you jump out of a window or something?" He joked, I laid on the couch and said, "actually.. yeah.. I-I did.." "umm what the fuck why?" I stood up and then fell on the ground, guess I didn't know how bad my leg was. "Fuck Hailey! Are you okay?" He grabbed me and pulled me up and then kie came, "holy shit! What happened??!" She grabbed me and then she putted me on the couch and then grabs a first aid kit. She rolled up my pant leg and then JJ said he'll go get pope and left us alone. "What happened Hailey?" She asked as she was cleaning my wound that was a deep bloody-ish cut and there was some dirt, hurt like a mf. "We'll Rafe was in my room and then he wanted to go to the dance with me, my mom set it up, but anyways, he said something... a-and he started getting closer and I saw my window was opened so I just jumped without thinking. And like basically ran all the way here, guess I didn't know how bad it was." I laughed a bit to lighten up the room. "Im so so sorry Hailey. I won't let that peace of shit touch you!" After cleaning my cut, she wrapped a white bandage around. "T-thank you.." "you're welcome" "kie.." I looked down at my feet as continued to say, "I-I gotta tell you something.." "yeah?.." "well.. I just.." then I kissed her, I think I've waited a very long time for this, her lips against mine are a dream come true, she pulled back and so did I and then she gave me a look and she leaned in again and I was a bit hesitant but we kissed again.

A/N- holyyyy shittttttt!!!!!!! Hope y'all like this bueee🩷🩷

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