A broken family

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3 days later, he came home, "hey!! So what did I miss? Sorry by the way I've been, busy, with work." "Right, okay." I said annoyed, "don't you speak that tone with me, he stepped towards me. "We'll what you missed on is moms overdose" "what? Oh honey, I'm so so sorry, are you okay?" He pushed me to the side while he comforted my mother. "Okay? What about me?" "What. About, you?" He said bluntly. "Fuck. You have no idea." "Oh shut up Hailey, you have no idea how hard it's been for us. I mean we give you this amazing life that anyone would want and then you just go on and act like this. Such an ungrateful bitch!" He spat. I walked up to him and yelled. "What the fuck? I'm the ungrateful bitch? Seriously? You're probably cheating, no hold on. For sureeeee cheating on your wife! And your and abusing old fuck who does give one fuck about us-" then he hit me hard across the face, "go to your room! How dare you talk about me like that, show some respect! I'm your father!" I was in disbelief, "SHOW SOME RESPECT! ADE YOU FUCKING JOKING?" He then pushed me on the ground and started violently kicking me on the stomach and the picked me up just to hit me across the face on my other side of my face. He then threw me across the room. I slid on the floor and I was right next to the stairs so I just tried my best to get up to my room. I eventually made it and then I just fell asleep on my floor, an hour or so has passed and I got up, I was sore and I went into the bathroom and my face was covered in dried blood and buries, I looked at my torso and it was bad as well, it was all black and blue and purple even. I can't let my friends ever see this side of my life. Not even after last night. Kie knows too much, I mean all she basically knows is that I want to jump off a cliff but I'm hanging on, I decided to take a cold ish shower, I clean myself up and then after the shower I put on some clothes and dried my hair up with a blow dryer and then brushed it and brushed my teeth. I did my skin care, I whined at the pain fullness on my face but continued one, it was already 8 and my parents went out to go to ward or something, probably won't be back for a couple of days. The next morning I got up and went into the bathroom to do all the necessary's, like change, brush my hair and teeth, all that crap. My buries were still there but it's okay, I had on a sorta big green shirt and I had black shorts underneath. My hair was down and I have white socks and black converse on. Kie was calling and calling me. I finally picked up. "The gold is gone! Ward took it and he has Sarah! We're at the tarmac! Please come!" I grabbed my phone, and I wasn't even thinking about the bruises on my face. I took my white car, and drove all the way down there. "Hey? Who is that?" JJ called out. "No it can't be, holy shit your car is sooooo nice Hailey." Pope said, I then stepped out and then all their faces dropped when they saw my face, "Ha- Hailey... w-what happe..." kie started, "shhh! Where's JB and Sarah? I cut her off. I could tell they were concerned but I didn't care, I was concerned about JB and Sarah.

A/N- this is so sad :(

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