My New Family

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An hour later we didn't even speak of what happened, I told the others what had happened at home and JJ said that I can crash with him at the château"are you sure JJ? I don't want to be a burden.." "Hailey.. you are never a burden, and plus I basically love here so, the more the merrier! And also everyone basically lives here as well" "okay, well thank you J.." I stand up to hug him and he gave me a tight hug back. He told me where my room was and then JJ and Pope had to go get something or do something, I don't know I wasn't really paying attention when they said they had to go, then it was just me and Kie. She helped me into my new room and I just sat on the bed and then Kie sat beside me then broke the silence by saying, "Hailey.." "yeah.." I didn't want to face her, I know she was looking at me, but I couldn't face her, I don't want to see or know what was gonna happen next, cause I just know it's gonna be bad. "About that.. kiss.." "y-yeah.." "i-i mean I just... I thought you didn't like me like that." Then my head shot up and we were face to face now. "Kie. Of course I like you like that. Look, when we almost kissed that time I just thought you felt bad for me." "But I didn't feel bad then and I don't feel bad now, Hailey, I really really like you." "Y-you do..?" "Yes!" "I do too" a smile was now on both of our faces. We then kissed again.
The next day came around and in the morning kie got back into my room and it woke me up, she slept with me. "Oh! Sorry! I wanted to grab you clothes for school today, "oh thank you kie.. um what time is it?" "It's 6am" we don't start school till 8, "um can you come with me to get a couple things from my house?" "Are you sure you wanna go back there?" "Yeah, I need to anyways," first I got changed and brushed my hair and teeth, put on my socks and converse, but the shirt that kie gave me was like green and it was like sorta a tank top and then black ripped shorts, we then took the Twinkie and she parked it like a block away since it was loud-ish and I didn't want to risk awaking the people that gave me life up. Kie offered to go with me and I said no but she came anyways, she helped me grab clothes and all my necessaries. I then grabbed my school book bag, then I heard her voice, "hey bitch! Is that you! Where the fuck did you go! I said I needed this house to be clean!!" She yelled I then told kie we needed to go, she got out and I threw my bags down with her and she caught then and brought the Twinkie over, I tried to get out but she came in and then dragged me out of the room, she then started to kick my stomach and she punched me hard across my face. I then yelled as I got up and pushed her away "why the fuck! Would you do this to your own child!!" My nose was dripping blood and my bottom lip too, I then run out of the house. I hurried up and got into the Twinkie, "oh my god! Hailey!-" "just drive!" I yelled.
We got back to the château and still no one was there, she led me into the bathroom and then told me to sit up on the counter, the grab the first aid kit, "Hailey.. I didn't know that.." "kie.. it's fine.. really.." after she cleaned up my face and put some bandages on, she told me to lift up my shirt, she was horrified and I don't know why? Was it un-normal for your stomach to be covered in old and new bruises, and scars. Guess not...
She clean it up the best she could and then she led me to my bedroom and she sat my stuff down. We laid in bed, trying to forget the abusive people who gave me life. She played with my hair and comforted me, I slowly fell asleep in her arms against her warm skin.
Hours later is was 5 in the afternoon and I felt sore, every part of me was sore, but I pushed through it and I saw everyone out in the living room, even kie. They all looked at me concerned, "what?" I broke the silence. Then I looked at kie, "oh? So they know?" I said annoyed, she didn't really say anything I just then when back into my room and put on my shoes, i grabbed my jacket and phone and went out of there, I was already walking when I felt an arm pulling me. "Hailey!" Kie said, "I'm sorry I told them about your parents! It just,'s okay.. we can help you.. I want to.. help, in any way I can!" "Kie.. it's my business if I want to tell them! I didn't want anyone to know, ..because they would... I don't know, I don't want the pity or the sympathy, or the "it's gonna be okay" shit! I don't want any of that, I just want everyone and everything to be normal, like it was.." "Hailey..." she pulled me into a tight hug. Then the others came out and hugged me. "Hailey, I get it. I really get it.." JJ said. "You can talk to us, we all are here for you.. we swear" Pope said, I didn't want to cry but tears just came out, then they hugged me tighter, said everything is gonna be okay, they let go and I calmed down a bit, tears were still on my face but I managed to say while looking at the ground, "guys.. I've never really had a good family.. as you know but.. I'm just so lucky to have friends like you.. you.. you guys are my family, seriously guys, you are my family and I will seriously do anything for you guys, I love you all.." then I got the "aww" and then they gave me another hug and said "we love you too"

A/N- awww!!!

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