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Hi guys this is chapter 4 of this fanfiction, hope you guys will enjoy it

Time skip pallet town

As Ash and Chloe reached Pallet Town, they headed straight to Ash's home. Upon entering, they were greeted by Ash's travel companions, who were waiting for him with daggers in their eyes. It seemed there was tension in the air, and Ash knew he had some explaining to do.

Everyone greet welcome to both and Ash was surprised and happy to meet them all but he not knows what coming towards him then his mother tight him in hugs and says

Everyone greet welcome to both and Ash was surprised and happy to meet them all but he not knows what coming towards him then his mother tight him in hugs and says

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Delia ketchum

Delia: honey how was your journey in world coronation series hope you enjoy it and you did great their in final my son

Ash: yeah mom it's pretty well though am lost in final against Leon but am not give up easily mom from my dream of a pokemon master

Delia: so honey whats your next plan I hope you not come here to stay ,am I right honey?

Ash: your guess wrong mom this time , this time i wilk stay here atleast few month to train my Pokemon hard before going to challenge all league

Delia: [ with mixture of disbelief] I can't belive it my son who not saying at home more than a week he says he want to stay more than a month, though after your training what you want to do my son

Ash: After finishing my training then yeah , I will go for the challenge league and win them.

Delia: Okk okk [ says stoping Ash] for now join your friends they all waiting for you from long and i think they want to tell you something so without wasting time greet them

Ash: Sure mom

As Ash goes then goes to leaving room to join his friends

Scene a week ago

In this scenario, Misty, who was Ash's friend and travel buddy, wrote a letter to all of Ash's friends and rivals. She wanted to help Ash understand that there are other paths he can choose instead of just becoming a Pokémon master. After reading the letter, most of Ash's friends and rivals were puzzled by how Misty, as a fellow traveler, could have such thoughts. Instead of betraying him, they decided to gather at Ash's home to support and encourage their friend and rival on one of his tough time. Some others, unfortunately, had different intentions and went there to betray Ash and Misty s decision

 Some others, unfortunately, had different intentions and went there to betray Ash and Misty s decision

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