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Hi guys this is chapter 10 of this fanfiction hope you guys enjoy it

Saving Alola from UB threat and finished Team Skull Leader and Two Grunt Ash now heading towards Mount Lanakila for his Champion challenge

At Mount Lanakila Champion Stadium

Now Ash reached the stadium and he looks it every corner of it and noticed it's divided into many chamber as every chamber has his own types as Ash went towards the Rock type chamber as he already informed them about his appearance before leaving from Alter Of the Sun, As Ash entered into the Rock chamber there Olivia waiting for him

Now Ash reached the stadium and he looks it every corner of it and noticed it's divided into many chamber as every chamber has his own types as Ash went towards the Rock type chamber as he already informed them about his appearance before leaving ...

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Inside of The stadium looks like this picture

Olivia: So you came too early hmm though then you beat me badly but now it's even tougher for you becuse now I will battle with you as a elite trainer so be careful [says with a smile of arrogance]

Ash: It will be seen and I say one thing I believe in work not in words

Olivia: [face became red in anger]  Today's kid are very arrogant type and you think winning first doesn't mean you will beat me again

Refree: A Elite four battle helding between Akala Island kahuna Olivia versus a stranger cloak person and it will be a full six versus six Pokemon battle so please both trainer out your first pokemon

Olivia:Armaldo show him your strength

Ash: [In low voice] you say arrogant hmm!!! Greninja I choose you

Refree : Trainer who defeats opponent all Pokemon first will be recognised as winnner now plz battle begin

Olivia: Armaldo use bug bite

Ash: Greninjas use shadow sneak then used water Shuriken

As the battle going Ash's Greninja defeats Olivia's all five Pokemon Armaldo,Gigalith,Nosepass,Relicanth,Carbink now she battling with her half stamina left Lycanrock

Olivia: Oh man his Greninja are too fast to connect any attack now it's time to use my Trump card [Then she activated her Rockium Z crystal and prepared it and order to use CONTINENTAL CRUSH]

ASH: Huu a Z move Greninja use double team and then use substitute at last moment to dodge

As the last moment the Z move about to hit Greninja uses Substitute without taking any damage

Ash: Now use Blizzard follwed up with Hydro pump to finish the match

Refree: Lycanrock unable to stand up so Greenija wins that Round as Olivia out of Pokemon Ash wins that match
and progress to next chamber

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