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Hi guys this is the chapter 6 of this fanfiction hope you guys will enjoy it

Scene in kanto/Mid Night

With Chloe

I never imagined that something like this would happen here. Everything was going smoothly until this morning. The events of last night still haunt me. It was the first time I allowed someone to get so close. If only I hadn't let Ash leave after that explosion, maybe I wouldn't have lost him. I can't help but feel responsible for what happened.

Delia: I understand, Chloe, that you may be thinking it's your fault, but it's not. It's my fault for being at Professor Oak's laboratory to feed Ash's Pokemon. If my son didn't even try his last life thinking I was dead,then he would have try to save him from that thing though what could be worse for a mother than that?

Then everyone saw few four wheeler cars approaching towards them as the car stopped they noticed few news reporter came out from those car as they started a  inspection of this area saw that not much damage done there then a reporter pointed out a area which was totally burned then they goes toward the place as they noticed a small crowd gathered from a little distance from this burned place as a news repoter says

Reporter: hey what happend here (then a people says everything that he heard from that girl (pointing Chloe)

Repoter: how did she known about him

Person:The boy the girl is talking about is World Coronation Finalist Ash Ketchum ohh Arceus what a loss of talent he really great there he almost beats Leon , Ash is such a trainer with bond and stamina his mega Lucario such beast but sad we all are not be able to see him from now(every reporter says in sigh)

Then Champion Lance and his Elite four and G men came as they heard Team Rocket attacked in pallet town when they saw that there was not much damage done he sent his G men and goes towards the crowd and see professor Oak

Lance: what happened here professor

Prof.Oak: (broke down in tears and says everything to lance and he shocked)

Oak: (broke down in tears and says everything to lance and he shocked)

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Lance Wataru

Lance: (shocked) what! What do you mean by died professor and and they only came here on purpose of killing Ash ohh man I can't accept it that our Ash died by those bastard really a huge loss for the pokemon world [ say sadly as few drop of tears ran own from his eyes]

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