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So Guys this is chapter 14 of this fanfiction I hope you all will enjoy it if you like it then support me by voting

Now Ash started his own organisation named Team Valour and few Grunts already joined them there after Ash now going to Alola for his Champion duty with Zinnia let's see what happens next

Meanwhile Two Days Ago

In Alola Poni Island

Hapu: So your a challenger wants to complete your last Grand Trial to challenge champion humm

????: Yeah you are right, I heard about him that he is strong trainer and didn't reveal himself in press so I wants to challenge him and wanna be more stronger

[Then they start their Grand trial match]

Hapu: So its a Three versus Three pokemon battle and no substitution allowed okay

????:Yeah okay

As the battle going this person beats Hapu only losing one pokemon by type advantage then Hapu shocked by this person power as she goes towards him and open a wooden box and offers to choose any Z crystal from it

Hapu: You are quite strong I hope you doing well there but I warned our champion very strong

????: I will see him

Next day at Mount Lanakila

Now professor Kukui doing some paper work in office when Olivia came into the room lit bit wistful face

Prof.Kukui: Hey Olivia something wrong you looks somewhat tense

Olivia: Yeah Kukui there will be something wrong here and you need to deal with it

Kukui:[furrowing eyebrow] what wrong you are talking about say it without making it complicated

Olivia: Actually another's trainer's again challenge our team and already defeat our two Elite Four members now this person battles with Kahuna Hala and already beat his four Pokemon now I think it's my turn to battle with this person

Kukui:[Disquiet] So I think I need to inform champion about it though he says he will back tomorrow so tell this Challenger to wait for Champion okay

Olivia: [relieve] Now I can rid of this tension though you know where Champion is now

Kukui: No I don't he just says that he has some important work so he gone saying that he will came back two days later that means next day champion will join us

Olivia: So as your order I tell this person to came tomorrow now Champion isn't here

Kukui: Yeah tell to come tomorrow though I know Champion will beat this lad easily but tell it

After that Olivia leave the office room to battle with this stranger and Kukui again start the work he was doing awhile ago

In Cameran palace

Ash finished his searching which he was doing in his Rotom while waiting for Zinnia as Ash says

Ash: So Rotom whats your opinion about those I think they will be a great choice

Rotom: Are you sure Ash you wants them to join your team because their track...[cut off by Ash]

Ash: Don't worried about it I will handle them

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