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So guys this is chapter 13 of this fanfiction hope you all will enjoy it if you like it then support me by voting

Now Ash and Paul heading towards Kanto region by their jet as Ash reminds something important which is too important

In Jet

Paul:[ Anxious] Ash did you remember something important that you're leaving unfinished like that when you were still supposed to be in Alola for a while?

ASH:[smirks seeing Paul Anxious face] You don't need to think so much Paul I have explained all the work  to the professor he will take care of everything till then we have to finish an important task and it is very important to do it now.

Paul: Really!!! The work is

ASH:Well you remember when we went to the Hoenn mission about a month ago and fought Team Aqua and Magma saving some trainers and innocent grunts and in return most of the grunts decided to join our team and help.

Paul:[Eyes widen] Hey Arceus I almost forgot about this Dammit!!! We told them to pick them up from Petal burg forest in Hoenn after a month because we had bad transportation then but has it improved now Ash?

ASH: We should give a big thanks to Rotom for reminding us because he told me about this last night with his reminder. Also you can find the answer to your other question on Rota Paul.

[Paul more confused but he decided to wait, after Twenty mintues they reach Rota's Cameran Palace and Ash alrady informs Ilene]

Ilene: So meet you again after a whole month, Prince, I really couldn't tell  you anything when you go like this, at least for a few days, let me know about you, but who knows, you are really stubborn.[seeing at Ash with seriousness]

ASH:[Rub his hand behind his head] I'm sorry Ilene I was really stressed this time but Zinnia didn't tell you anything

Ilene: For her I came to know that you became the Champion of Alola if she didn't tell me everyday about you then I didn't even knows that you are in Alola now but am So happy that you are now Champion

[Then Ash tells her everything about his short Alola journey and his first day work as Champion]

Ilene: If you need any help then tell me okay as our tech are very helpful to complete it in short time and Now let's move on to what you will be very happy to see. It was made a few days ago and it has been trialled. Now only if you like it I will be happy brother.

[Ilene then leads them to a garage in a large field behind the mansion and inside it Ash and Paul are giddy with what they see.There were five airships standing side by side and they were very large and spacious]

There were five airships standing side by side and they were very large and spacious]

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