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So guys thats  chapter 16 of this fanfiction I hope you guys will enjoy it if you like it then Please support

[In the previous episode Zinnia embarks on her inaugural day at school, while Ash Alola attends a significant gathering aimed at enhancing the planet. Let's delve into this episode to discover the unfolding events.]

Ash stands in his champion's section, fidgeting nervously. Kukui, once a father figure, now knows his secret. Ash's heart races as he wonders whose eyes will betray him next. He's trapped in a web of fear and uncertainty, unsure of what to say or do.

Kukui: [Seeing Ash's face ] Ash, there's no need for anxiety. I understand your choice, and I believe there's a purpose guiding you. Relax, my son.

Ash did not predict that though he knows that Kukui always calms whatever happens but this time he saw some drops corner of his eye

Ash: I knew you would understand it but I didn't want to hide my privacy I was forced to do it for which I apologize to you

Kukui: Though am a little bit vexed with you but am eager to know how you survived that devastating laser beam

Ash: Today, I shall reveal all and bring clarity to our situation. But first, I implore you, Professor, to grant me your word. Our future depends on it.

Professor:[curious] What promise Ash! Tell whatever it

Ash: professor I don't want you to tell others that am alive and champion even Professor Burnett

Kukui: Okay Ash now tell me what happened there on that day

Then Ash started to talk and tell him everything except those legendaries except Arceus

Kukui: [Eyes widen] What! You mean Pokemon deity Arceus saved you and he involved you in a special mission and what's that mission, Ash

Ash: You know Team Rainbow Rocket and other organizations now preparing to rule over the whole world which caused the Pokemon world to face a mishap and that's why Arceus sent me to stop them

Kukui: It will sound so bad if you're like this, and I won't understand, Ash. How will you handle all this alone? It's very difficult. If they attack you together again, then how will you save yourself? and we don't want to lose you again

Ash: Don't worry professor this time I am not alone and don't forget my Pokemon and Arceus are always beside me then I can concur whatever they throw towards me

Kukui:[Shrug Ash] Thats my son whom I knew a few years ago and you are still the same as before

Ash: Thanks professor, I know as long as you are by my side nothing can hurt me

Kukui: [Deep voice] You can say that but if Arceus hadn't saved you that day the story would be different today

Ash: Now everyone besides me and I will show that evil this time

Kukui: So Ash if you don't Would you like to take off your hoddie for now I want to see your face because when was the last time I saw you

Ash: Of course Professor

[Then Ash took off his dark blue cloak and Hoddie as he boasts a striking appearance with his jet-black, spiky hair and warm brown eyes. He dons a vibrant red jacket atop a sleek black t-shirt, complemented by a pair of stylish brown jeans and white-red sneakers. His signature red and white cap features a leaf emblem on the left side, adding a touch of flair to his ensemble]

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