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Hi guys this is chapter 5 of this fanficton hope you all will enjoy it

With Ash

When Ash saw a beam from a airship came towards him then he just paralyzed by mourn of his mother's death and closed his eyes grabbing his starter pokemon then there was silent for a moment when he opens his eyes take a look at gis front and the thing he saw makes him amazed as he just only can stare at the mythical Alpha pokemon

When Ash saw a beam from a airship came towards him then he just paralyzed by mourn of his mother's death and closed his eyes grabbing his starter pokemon then there was silent for a moment when he opens his eyes take a look at gis front and the t...

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Arceus: [ say in scold voice] Ash why are you still stays there even seeing that beam coming towards you even your friends yelled at you to go away from there then why you still sat there, you know if i late there [ imagine it] then the Pokemon world will face a big loss

Ash: who cares if I'm died the boy who left his home at the age of 10 dreaming of being Pokemon master and could not fulfill his dream and could not even save his mother at the last time my life his worthless so who cares

Arceus: Ash!! you think your mom's died ? [ Say with a laughing tone]

when Ash hears Arceus tone he tried to remember the scene as he says

Ash: (remembering the moment) Yeah when after hearing the boice of bursting from the forest i immediately rush towards my home and if i remember i saw my house completely make into a ashes so by it's easy to guess that they killed my mother while she in home [ doubted ly] Though why you asking that

Arceus: you see those evils main target is you so when they thought that you are in home tgey charged a beam towards it as thought they caught a two hunt in one try as the started to retreat from there then you present there which makes them surprised though but its nake there work preety easy if i didn't save you there and your mom now alright too

Then Arceus last word echoed in Ash ears as he says with a hope of expectations

Ash: (in hope) what ! What you says my mom not died like me , she still alive Arceus?

Arceus: Yeah she is still alive but now they all sad for you all thinks you are died by Rainbow Rocket's attack

Ash: what you mean by Rainbow Rocket is this a new organization in kanto

Arceus: you know theirs leader very well and its Giovanni and now they work with other team to get successful this time and you are the only threat In their dreams that why tried to finished you and they can do anything

Ash: So Arceus for know what should I do

Arceus: at first go back to your mother and tell them you're alive and  alright if not then they will be tensed for you

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