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Hi guys this chapter 10 of this fanficton hope you guys will enjoy it if you like it then support me

[After a successful mission In Hoenn forest by killing Team Magma and Team Aqua Grunt and the admin of Aqua Amber now our Hero have a new member in their team the mysterious draconid women Zinnia ]

Inside Jet

Now we can on the way of Kanto's Rota Ash and His others friends sit on their own seat as everyone looking at Zinnia with curiosity as Ash says

Ash: So zinnia why you join our team Because your real job is to save Hoenn from the meteorite which is fulfilled then why you decided to join our team.[ Raising his eye brow]

[ After Ash's question, everyone except Pilot Buttler looked at Zinnia's curiously for her answer this made zinnia feel a bit uncomfortable as everyone was staring at her even Alain,Swayer,Paul and Gary for that she couldn't say anything in nervousness]

[After that Ash realized the reason for her shyness and said if you feel uncomfortable talking about this then you can say no we don't want to force anything on you zinnia sorry though for asking you about that]

Zinnia:[feel bad the way Ash apologize then she says]You don't need to apologize for that Ash and I have no problem telling you all about my past and I think you'll feel better knowing my past even though it's a bit sad

Chloe:[put her one hand on zinnia's shoulder]You don't need to be shy about it. You can tell us about it without hesitation.[looking at Ash ]And from the grief and sadness I felt for one week a year ago, I learned that sharing grief brings peace.[except Ash everyone nodded]

[NOTE: I want to say in advance that I won't tell much about zinnia's past, I'm mostly making it up with my imagination so no one can tell, I hope you like it]

Gary : you are right there Chloe I think someone here couldn't care about his life and didn't think about his family ,closest one before push him into those situations

Ash:[fake cough] I think we should listen to zinnia's first, we can talk about all that later so start saying Zinnia .

After that Zinnia became lit bit confuced by their behaviour then start to talking about her past

Actually I lived in a village of Hoenn's Draconids that didn't quite see the light of civilization that well.Our village was actually surrounded by hills and forests so that people could not enter easily.Most of the people in our village had the ability to predict DRACONID and try to prevent any danger.

Most of the people in our village had the ability to predict DRACONID and try to prevent any danger

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Draconids village

[Everyone was listening to her attentively , Zinnia continues it]

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