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(Hi 💗🥺 how are you feeling ? I hope good ✨️ wishing the bestest day/night 💗)

The boy was looking at himself, not really knowing if it was him or who he wanted Kim to see. The shopping encounter he accepted was so out of anything he ever did in his life that Porchay began to feel insecure. His face was also a mess after sleeping so less than usual, he needed to advance his report to free himself for some hours. The reality was that he could absolutely afford to let himself have a resting time, but his stress always took the lead. He was anxious about it and he wouldn't stop before it was finished.

And yet, he still said "yes" and it surprised him. This moment was like an error in his logical system, it was the abnormality of this day, but he didn't regret anything because Kim. Kim was enough of a purpose for Porchay to adjust his brain. Kim was just so comforting to the boy. He didn't even know when it began, he didn't even know why and when, all he knew was that the crown of flowers was his greatest gift and looking away from this man was also kinda impossible. He could, he had enough ability to move his eyes away but he wouldn't do it, why would he go against what he felt? And yet, he really didn't know what he was feeling.

Porchay didn't remember ever falling in love. He had some crushes, some opportunities but it never hit him enough to date anyone. He wasn't against love, he was capable of love, he could easily melt while watching a romantic movie, but it never occurred to him that it could also happen to him. It looked more like a main character adventure, and he always felt like the second lead, or even the man walking behind them, not known, not seen, just walking through life, invisible. And one of the first things Porchay loved with Kim was to be seen, seen and heard and just looked at. He could explain it by the way that he was the only one to really talk with their gardener, but deep inside, he knew that it could really be more.

Porchay looked at himself. He put his glasses on, sighed, he didn't like it. He put it out, but wondered if Kim would still recognize him without this. In fact, Pochay's view wasn't bad, his eyes were just easily exhausted and it could cause him headache, but Kim always knew him with glasses on, because he always saw him when he was studying. And it slapped Porchay, would Kim still appreciate him out of the place they only knew each other?

The boy looked at himself for the last time, hated it, and put the crown of flowers on his head. It was still so beautiful, so shiny, so pretty. He wondered why Kim asked him to wear it. It was kinda not seen a lot, people with a crown of real flowers like this, but it immediately highlighted his face, thinking that it was Kim's gift, that it was on his head, just made him so much more satisfied with himself. Porchay smiled fondly now, his heart beating and he thought that for real, no one ever made him feel like this, it was his first time.

"And you're telling me that it isn't a date?" Porsche laughed, seeing him walk through the house with flowers on his head.

"Shut up!" Porchay just answered walking away.

Porsche followed him to the window and smiled too, worried, more worried than ever because he also never saw his brother acting like this. He thought that it would do good to him, for real, he really thought that having some fun with other humans could only be good. The problem was that Porchay wasn't someone to "have fun" and he was concerned about Kim's intention towards the youngest of this family. Someone this kind, wouldn't be able to hurt him in any way?

The surprise he got when he saw Kim was so adorable that Porchay squealed inside and only a soft giggle was heard from his mouth. His rendez-vous also had the same type of crown on his head but not the same flowers. Pol had mocked him so strongly that he wasn't sure anymore to do it but he apologized and just told him to go for it.

"If someone likes you, they will need to accept every side of you."

It was enough to convince him and when he heard Porchay's tiny sound, he didn't regret anything. The boy came closer to him, in the middle of the street, and smiled shily.


"Hi...Rosetie." He calmly said, and this nickname already gave Porchay a warmth he didn't know he could feel.

"What...what you have on your head...I like it... we are like...twins."

Twins. Couple. The difference was the relationship in the family and even if Kim did it to hint to Porchay his intention without clearly saying it, it was a little too soon to recognize it for both of them.

"I am love the idea..." Kim said, licking his lips out of awkwardness and Pochay saw it. What shocked him was the way he saw everything, every move, every word, he was attentive to it all, attentive to Kim's existence as if it was already his everything. "Should we...walk? Where do you need to go?"

It was a reality that he accepted to go buy what he needed but to be fair, Porchay needed nothing and found himself a little dumb to not have think of a lie before. "I don't's kinda hot... shouldn't we for now... go buy something to drink?" He managed to say, for him in a really ridiculous way and he thought that he already lost some points.

"It's good for me." Kim just said, being his usual self. Porchay sighed internally and thought that the hours would be really exhausting.

It really was the most tiring day because he was thinking of every one of his actions. Everything was thought to not be a purpose for Kim to just push him away, but not being natural was not what he knew from Porchay, so it worried the boy. And Porchay didn't even know if it was a date or even just a friend's afternoon and it added more worries in their baskets.

"Rosetie..." Kim said, after they both sat on grass, in a park, with their drink in their hands.

"Yes?" Porchay answered, facing him rigorously.

"Are you feeling okay? I just...feel you a little tense..."

"Oh...yeah...I mean has to be said that I...I am totally stressed!" He ended up saying loudly, his eyes trembling out of fear for Kim's reaction.

"Am I... stressing you?"

"No! Yes... In a way...Or is it just me?" Porchay said, his hands on his face, ashamed to have said those words. "To be honest, I just hope what we do will be a date but I don't know if you see itlikethisandforgotwhatIsaid!" He panicked again, ending his sentence so quickly that Kim laughed lightly under the boy's horrified expression.

"Sorry-Sorry Chay...just, it was so...just so quick you..." He whispered at the end, putting his hand on his face, only letting his eyes be seen, his hair falling on it, and Porchay fell for that image, he totally felt his cheeks becoming pink, and his face becoming dumber, he was sure about this.

"I guess... I am sorry for being me..." He just answered, his voice lower and his hope drowning at each minute without a clear answer.

Kim came closer, enough to take his hands in his own. He smiled fondly, both feeling as if they developed a sudden sunburn on their bodies. "I am sorry, to not be able to be totally honest...but I want to be with you, so...if you agree, from now on, what we have is a date." He surprised himself by saying this, looked at by an out of words Porchay who wasn't prepared to have his assumptions be acknowledged this quickly.

Instead of just talking, Porchay pushed Kim's hand to his mouth and kissed it. He felt the muscles being tense, as tense as he was before, and then being relaxed and Kim beginning to blush even more, and the same amount Porchay was.

He didn't know why he did this, all he knew was that right now he had only one idea in his head, being himself, acting like he would because he was one man and one human no one else could be. And if he wanted to stop having a date, and to date the boy he had a crush on, he should just be bold. It wasn't in his habits, he was bolder with a pen in his hands but witnessing how flustered Kim was, and how he could have never anticipated how much he would be, a new perspective was opened. Blooming deep inside of him, he wanted to make the rest of this day, the moment Kim would fall definitely for him.

💐The power of flowers 💐 KimChay Au ✨️Where stories live. Discover now