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(Hi💗 have a Nice day/night ✨️🥺)

The rain, still crying, helping them to not be scared of their relationship, new lover relationship, was falling strongly while Kim carried Porchay back inside. The sound of their laugh, like a bottle of joy echoing in the house, was loud and innocent. Kim sat the boy on the table, a boy who kept his legs around his waist, not wanting to let go of this easily. He might have been a little worried that Kim would want to run away because he couldn't survive anymore his struggles but instead, Porchay was witnessing how huge and full of sunshine Kim's smile was. He looked so gorgeous, he was looking like happiness and Porchay didn't even know this was possible to witness.

"Is it...normal that I don't want to stop kissing you?" Porchay asked, feeling his clothes heavy against his skin, his eyes focused on that face which came closer, trapping the boy between the table and his body. Kim reached for his lips and sighed in delight when Porchay moved towards him, their mouths meeting again. Kissing more urgently, kissing messily, lips and corner of mouth meeting in wet sounds, smiling between the touches. Porchay pulled on Kim's hair, trying to physically get out the tension, the pressure of pleasure that just came through his whole body just by kisses, deep kisses.

Kim pulled away, looking tired, his wet hair glued to his skin, panting, but his expression was so adorable that Porchay kissed his cheek. "I kinda feel the same." Kim whispered tenderly. "But we better step away from those clothes, wear new ones and tidy the mess we did." He added, caressing Porchay's hair while pulling him towards him.

Porchay looked around them, water was splashed on the ground, the table and their shoes were dirty and leaving marks too. He nodded quietly, hugging one last time Kim, hugging him and not realizing that what he thought about for weeks was now a part of his memory, a part of his life, a new chapter he hoped to never have to close.


"Would you like some tea?" Porchay asked, sitting at the table. They had cleaned the house, and both took a shower one after the other, Kim going down wearing Porchay's clothes. He loved that sight, the boy bit his lips. He really loved to see a part of him engulfing Kim into warmth.

"Yes, please." Kim added, sitting next to him. "So..." He began while the boy was behind him, serving the hot drink. "Are we...boyfriends?" He said, looking at the wall, his body tense. In fact, Kim had no doubts, or maybe some, that Porchay would just want a physical relationship but he needed to hear it. He really needed to let those words be believed with the help of another voice.

Silence answered, rain was the only one echoing in the room, Kim's mind began to feel anxious, when a cup was put in front of him and arms back hugging his body. He was relieved and leaned in Porchay's embrace. He felt stupid to have worries but at the end he preferred to share them than to let the ghost of his thoughts take too much of his place to transform his being in a haunted house.

"If you still agree...I would like us to be boyfriends..."

"I want, I want Rosetie...I am sorry..." He said, kissing his hand.

"Don't's okay. I want you to just be comfortable enough to ask everything you need...and I will also do the same...right?" Porchay asked, sitting back but not letting go of Kim's hand. Kim nodded, meeting his pupils and feeling protected, much more protected than he ever had been because he had the sensation that Porchay saw in him his freaking out attitude and wanted to soothe it, he felt seen and he felt that he didn't need to hide anything. He needed to just be himself and to be here for Porchay being himself too.

 This was some kind of a new relationship he never experienced before. Porchay was also feeling the same, maybe because he never dated anyone, he wanted to just do his best in this love. He understood that Kim was deeply hurt and needed reassurance and time, but he needed it too. In a way, seeing Kim being worried was working to help him, if he was this anxious about them, it meant that Kim didn't want to lose him, the same way he had in horror to just think about any breakup. They might just be in the end, the ones they needed to meet to finally live as themselves in a love relationship.

"P'Kim...can I ask you something?" Porchay said, squeezing his hand.


"Can we promise to just say anything bothering us? Can we just...try to protect our relationship at all costs?"

"I...I promise Chay...I do...but I still wonder...what made you feel like this about me..." Kim said, looking sad, looking lost towards what Porchay could have found in him. He didn't think that he was a bad man, or that he wasn't a good friend or good person. He was just slightly really overwhelmed and trembling about the fact that someone wanted to love him, even after someone broke the frame of his life, even after Porchay saw the broken piece of his mirror, reflecting all he lived, reflecting how deep the scar was, reflecting how insecure he was feeling, Porchay stayed. 

He stayed and was applying a soft and warm above the crack, not making it disappear, but reinforcing the strength of the glass, hoping that this warmth would never be erased, or even if it was, would never leave by letting other scars, or cracking even more the ones already here. Because they would never vanish. Whatever the way, those cracks would never vanish because someone's print on someone else's life would always hurt more than anyone would ever think at the moment they do it or even after because they wouldn't even have the humbleness to recognize how awful of a human's relationship they created by their own attitude.

"You..."Porchay smiled fondly. "You...just you...can't it be enough? Just...who you are and how you are making me feel?" He asked, tilting his head. Kim smiled, blushed and kissed the boy's knuckles.

"It is. "

Porchay leaned a little, showing the sign that he was asking for a kiss when they heard a car in the garden, focusing suddenly on their drinks, but not letting go of their hands under the table.

"I am sorry, they shouldn't be home."

"Don't worry, we have nothing to fear, right?"

Porchay nodded, seeing his Hia first, a suspicious smile and a really proud grin when he saw them. "Sorry for interruptiiiinngggg." He sang. "The weather was so bad, mom wanted to go home..." He sighed, side eyeing the door.

"I heard you." A woman said, walking inside, looking playful, having the same type of funny expression Porsche had. "Oh, Kim, hello." She greeted him with softness. The one they hoped to find back.

"Where's dad?" Porsche asked.

"Struggling behind."

"I will go help."

"Wait, Poschy, before going, didn't you say that Chay's boyfriend would be here?" She asked, looking at her two sons with an interested, curious and ready to mess with her youngest one, face.

Porsche opened his eyes big, moving his head towards the two boys. The mother turned around and Porchay did the most natural thing ever. He wasn't scared of his mother at all, he wasn't worried about any reactions she could have. He put up their hands which was still under the table, showing a clear explanation.

"Oh..." She let out.

Kim felt like disappearing.

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