"Being selfish saves lives, especially mine."

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NAME: Alvira "Aziza" Voski

AGE: 24

SEXUALITY: Pansexual

PRONOUNS: she/they


(Face and hair claim^)

(Body claim^)

NATIONALITY: Afro- Jamaican

PERSONALITY: Selfish, cunning, secretly kind, easily flustered, open minded, blunt



DISLIKES: People forcing her to do things, people she cares about hurting, insecurities

LIKES: sweets, reading books, dance, people who understand her, swimming, cooking.

NIGHTMARES: being starved, rats

HOBBIES: cooking and baking, writing down prompts for books, dolling herself up.

STRENGTHS: resourceful, good at fighting, agile, good listener.

WEAKNESS: puts herself first in most situations, lies too much especially when put on the spot out of nowhere,

ELEMENT: earth

Alvira comes from a Family that had a line of work since the start of her family legacy.
Her family had a traditional that was passed down, it was the hiding of the first name. First names were only to be told to your most trusted friends and your lover/s.

Her family ran multiple food companies though most weren't good at cooking.

Growing up Alvira was a sweet and open girl, until in her last year of highschool when her "best friend" lured her to her kidnapper who held her for money.  The two were walking when they were both grabbed but Alvira helped her "friend" get away only to find out later that she was the one who planned everything.

She went to therapy and soon recovered but because of her almost near death experience, Alvira decided to prioritize herself over people.

OTHER: she has two tattoos on her shoulders, one on her hip of a peony and multiple piercings. She's friends with Odette but hasn't told her, her real name as she doesn't trust her fully. Her name she uses to introduce herself is Aziza.



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