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Adrien's pov:

I'm not too sure why Luka wanted to meet me but I never expected this!


L: Well well, you certainly took your time cutie

I don't know where Luka got the habit of calling me cutie all the time came from but I think he likes how red my face turns. We met at the park next to Dupain-cheng bakery, the best bakery in Paris I must say and you could always smell fresh bread being baked well in the park. But I'm not here to smell the air, I have to know why Luka wants to see me so suddenly that I had to cancel piano lessons with Father which I'm actually kind of glad about even if it's one 0f the only times I see him

A: Well I can't go out in my pyjamas now can I?
L: *chuckles* I guess not, your father might kill you if you ever try

If your wondering, me and Luka started being friends after the band he put together played for the first time I was the pianist and he of course was the leader, so we bonded over our love of music and he's currently teaching me to play the guitar. It's much more fun learning an instrument with him than it was ever father and he's cute so the more I see him the more attractive he becomes in my eyes at least

A: What was with the emergency that you had to see me right away, I'm a busy guy you know *chuckles*

Luka knows very well that I'd take any excuse to get out of the house

L: *Clears throat* Umm well it's um...
A: It's?
L: Ahh this is embarrassing let's walk around a little and I'll see if I can tell you then...
A: *Tilts head* Ok, if it'll help

We ended up wandering the streets of Paris for hours with many calls and texts from father about my where bouts, but I eventually got him off my back and could focus on the matter with Luka, we walked till we ended up sitting under the bridge where the good man sells soulmate ice cream as people say

A: Luka? what's wrong
L: * Grabs Adrien's hand* I-I think I'm-
M: Oh! Hey guys! *waves*
Both turn there's heads
A: Oh hey Mari *waves back*
L: ...
M: I'm not interrupting anything am I?
A: *glances at Luka*
L: No I was about to head off anyway, Mom needs help repairing the boat sail * starts getting up*
A:*Ketches what he thinks Luka is implying* *looks at phone* Ah, shit Natalie says I have a photo shoot in 10, damn I completely forgot. Um sorry Mari but I also gotta bounce
M: I-it's fine I was on m-my way to Alya's anyway

Mari then quickly raced up the steps and crossed over us when I noticed Luka walking away, I went and caught up with him. He did seem quite disappointed that she intruded on our conversation but wait, what was he gonna say?
Eventually, Luka and I ended up in front of his boat house, he silently welcomed me on and to his room before dropping himself on a beanbag chair

Reluctantly I sat in front of him peering at his anxious face wanting, pleading with my eyes for him to finish his sentence

A: You think you're what??
L: Huh?
A: Under the bridge before Marionette interrupted you, what were you going to say?
L: Ah, that umm well *leans in close to Adrien*
I think I'm in love.. with...
A: With wh-

Luka's lips lightly rub on mine with his hand on my cheek he then leans farther onto me applying more pressure to our kiss till he's practically on top of me intertwining his fingers with my hair leading us till my back is on the carpet then breaking away leaving the smallest gap where are lips are still slightly brushing over each other before smirking at me

L: You~

Luka's POV:

I did it finally, Kagami would be so damn proud. Adrien seemed a little too stunned to kiss back or push away so I laid him down in case I just frayed his brain, and I was trying not to laugh but he was wide-eyed and so bright red under me he might be glowing so I could only smirk but to his conscious, I ended up chuckling and he turned his face away from me

L: What I was going to say was that I'm in love with

*knock, knock*
L: ( FUCK! Why can't I just say I love you without somehow being interrupted)

J: Umm sorry to bother you Luka but can I borrow your charger I can't find mine and Rose wants to call
L:*Sighs* Yeah one moment I'll give it to you at the door don't move *Gets up and gives Julika the charger

Adrien's pov:

Holy shit! L-L-Luka just KISSED ME!!!
Ahhh I-I didn't think he liked me like... wait he LOVES ME ok ok calm down Adrien if he does you can say you have a girlfriend and father will no longer keep pestering about getting you married and an heir, but what if he doesn't love me no if he didn't he wouldn't have kissed me right?!?

A: Ahh fuck...
L: You ok, cutie?
A: Luka do you love me?
L: Umm what? *blushes*
A: Do you love me romantically like want to date me, kiss me, fuck m-
L: Stop *trying to hide his blush with his hand* Y-yes that's what I wanted to tell you it's ok if you don't feel the same way
A: Be my boyfriend
L: HUH!?
A: Be. My. Boyfriend
L: O-ok, yeah, sure

He was not expecting that but it means so much more than just getting that title of a relationship he might find that out or not but I mean I don't want to break his heart, he's a good guy with amazing looks just like me 💅 and I don't think much will change I mean we're already super close an he understands parental issues and he's a few years older so the hot older man is on his side an his style is good but I don't think I'm gay

L: *Pokes Adrien* Hey you ok? You zoned out after asking me to be your boyfriend
A: Are you gay?
L: Y-yes why? You aren't trying to use me, are you? *Playfully laughs*
A: No I mean that I like girls and you're the first person I've ever asked to date me or even thought that way
L: So you don't know your sexuality, that's alright cutie there's no label for love *kisses his forehead*
A: Really? I guess I never thought about it but can we have a secret relationship...
L: Are you worried about what you're father might say?
A: *Mumbles* Or do...

  Luka then changed our position to where we were sitting on his bed and I was in between his legs with his arms wrapped around me as I picked at my nails

A: Can we set a few boundaries for this relationship
L: Of course
A: OK, first I don't want all of Paris to know about us I want a select few to know,
L: Like Kagmi, Nino, Julika, my mom, Alya and Marinette
A: Not Marienette but everyone else on that list is fine
L: Why not Mari?
A: I think she's in love with you and I don't want her to be akumatized
L: You know about those things?
Both: Shit
A: Wait what do you mean, * looks up a him*
L: Umm h-how do you know
Both: I have a Kwami, WHAT!?
A: You you have the snake don't you * straddles Luka*

L: Wow, for someone so oblivious you got it right and his name is
A: Sass, I know Ladybug tried to give me him
S: Well you don't have to be rude about it
L: Sass! I told you to say there
S: Oh please what's it matter he knows and besides this whole situation I've been having a tea party with his kwami
L: Right, your kwami do I get to know or have to figure it out
A: For super being reasons I want to know if you can figure it out, also I thought Ladybug always took back the miraculous after a fight?
L: well since Sass can reverse time she thought it would be best if I kept him in case Hawkmoth found her box
A: makes sense

Writer note/
For plot reasons, Luka has not been akumatized yet and it won't be the ones in the show ;P

  Luka and I then spent an hour or more thoroughly discussing parts of how we want this relationship to work mostly being as discreet in public as possible and if at my place not even cuddling in case my father gets suspicious in the end we agreed to try it for a week then see if it's to much pressure if so breaking up and remaining friends

Small cliff hanger
Word count: 1540

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