Part. 6

587 11 18

Quick note!!!
I'm changing my writing a little bit on how I address who's talking so instead of A: I'm gay. It's gonna be "I'm gay" Arien shouted and yk like that. K k now enjoy!!!!

"Alright, see you at school Luka..."

Adrien slowly began to push open the front gate

"Yeah, definitely"
*strikes a gentle smile*

Adrien smiled back, all he had to do was be strong like Luka and hope his father wouldn't put him back to homeschooling

Adrien watched from the steps of his father's mansion as Luka trotted away into an alley across the street and blew him a little kiss as he backed into the alley

Adrien caught the kiss and put it over his heart like a protection on his overbearing, broken-down, soul

Quietly Adrien pushed open his fathers office doors looking down, with a tap when he stepped into the room

"I hope you enjoyed your night out. Cause your grounded for a week which means school , fencing, photo shoots and home that's it. I mean it."

"I have a question..."

"And what would that be?"
Gabriel cocked his eyebrow alittle

"Why do act like nothing matters other than fashion but, then turn around and have all of Paris looking for me when I just left to get a break"

"What do you mean. A break?"
"Do you know how easy you have it?!"

"Ugh, I mean a break from being famous, a break from being on every build board in the city and a break from being YOU'RE son." 

*whispers to himself* "To live like a real person..."

"Well... I can't just do that, you've chosen this path"

"Chosen? CHOSEN!? I didn't choose shit you forced me into this after mom died!"

"Adrien! Your mother isn't dead. How could you say something like that about her."

"Mmm, I don't know, maybe 'cause she disappeared when I was 2 years old and now I'm 15. I don't even know what her voice sounds like..."


"No stop, I'll just go now your busy and I'm grounded"

" Fine, but I should at least tell you the next fashion show you'll be wearing a type of dress"

Adrien just walked out without replying, the point that his father had so little to say about his mother but could tell you down to where a sage green or navy green was made without looking at the tag is sickening to him

And just how overwhelmed he had felt about the whole past two days was too much for him except the dating Luka parts that played over and over in his head that night

Till the never-ending weekend finally was a sucky Monday morning

Though Adrien still enjoyed his smooth walk to school, swivelling his head around the space looking for Luka

So I just realized I wrote this whole chapter with the I thing on and I'm to lazy to change it so deal with it, also shorter chapter cause I'm tired but wanted to post

Word count: 506

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