Part 5.

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Adrien pov

"Cutie" a soft and warming males voice called well my body twitched, but wasn't I at Agreste manior? A-and only Luka knows that name, father would kill if I had a boy in my bed!

Suddenly I jolted awake, about to throw myself off the bed but instead opening my eyes to a consurrened and caring gaze, like Natalise though more genuine the kind newly weds ;) share after their first kiss

L: Well good moring to you cutie

I felt the corners of my lips slide up to a soft smile as I stared lost in his gorgeous diamond blue eyes his locked on me as well and we just stayed there staring, lost in a otherworldly sense with comfortable, endearing silence slipping through the air with a hint of salt from the open window I climbed in through

A: W-what's going on?
L: Oh, you're dad thinks your dead in a ditch somewhere
A: Charming...

Luka always seemed to know how to brighten up a mood, no matter what it's something I've always admired about him and his fashion cause he could wear a dress if he wanted, well I'm stuck in something my father made and no other options or even my own thoughts about what I want

Not that I want to wear a dress but the freedom to do so if I wished. Now the matter with father

A: So... should I like text him or something
L: ummm probably not but we should get you home without being caught on the way
A: So like a race!
L: I guess but in disguise
A: OH! I see~
L: Yeah~
A: Sounds fun! My cunning cat likeness will be definite win!
L: sure, sure

"Plagg, claws out!"
"Sass scales slither"

L: Well, don't you just look like a darling kitty *Grabs Chatnoirs chin and brings him close*
A: *Blushes*

He then lifted my face up till our eyes met with a slight turn to his head, are lips inches apart both slowly leaning in. Moments away from a sweet, sultry kiss when abruptly his sister came running in

J: Guys!
She whispered yelled
J: *Blinks* Wtf
L: umm not important, what happened?
J: Oh! Umm the police are here w-what do we do!?
L: tell them I've been out all day and that Adrien has been here for hours
J: Ok and do you plan to leave?
A: Oh through the window
J: Thats actually quite smart... Now go!!

We then jumped out into the canal, well I jumped first cause Luka didn't trust what I said but I sure did show him. We swam to the other side of the canal and he wrapped his arms around my neck as I extended my pole.

Like I said earlier scaling roof tops is my favourite thing but doing it with my overly handsome boyfriend just makes it so much better, not that I'm in love with him, no but I think it's becoming more of a small SMALL crush

Still it was just an overall good mood till we got to my street, walking up to the gates is probably in any instance the most nerve racking thing that I could even bring myself to ring the button as he leaned forward he let my hand go, I hadn't even noticed we were holding hands

Luka stepped back and the little camera came out to scan us, with Natalie's voice ringing out
Almost interrogating is with questions

N: Oh!? Adrien your back and which of your friends is he?
L: My name is Luka ma'am Luka Couffaine *smiles*
N: Hmm well then Adrien head to your father's office he will want to speak with you as for Mr. Couffaine, did you sneak him out?
L: No ma'am
N: Then why are you with him?
L: I just got off work a couple minutes ago and ran into Adrien he said he had gotten lost after leaving and new he shouldn't call any of you so I offered to help him get back
N: But there are police everywhere looking for Adrien how did you get by them?
L: We took a lot of alley ways ma'am
N: Alright, you may leave. Adrien come along now...

A meme cause this chapter was kind to serious

A meme cause this chapter was kind to serious

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Word count: 726

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