Part 7.

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Then finally he spotted Lukas's black and white Jagged Stone (his dad) bag that Marrienette personally made with Jagged for Lukas's 17th birthday

Adrien jogged over to his boyfriend who was scribbling something down in a notebook

He leaned over top of the light and shadowed Lukas's work so he'd look up

Luka looked up a little bothered by whoever had covered the light but then he stopped when he seen Arien and just started into Adrien's eyes a gentle smile spread across his face


Luka said just barely audible enough for even himself to hear but Adrien just smiled and replied


Adrien then sat down beside Luka resting his head on Lukas's shoulder

Wait a damn minute!! I'm supposed to be dating him to shut my dad up, not falling for h- fuck is dating Luka my bi-awakening? Adrien covered his now very red face with his hands, ketching Lukas's eye to now focus solely on Adrien

"Hey, are you okay?"

Adrien jumped a little not expecting Luka to say anything to him and he hadn't really realized how dumb he probably looks

"Uh, yeah just thinking about these past few days"

"Oh? And is your reaction good or bad?"


Lukas's Generally calm demeanour put butterflies in Adrien's stomach

"What did Mr. Agreste say when you got home?"

"Oh umm, just that the way I've acted the past days and a dumb fashion show soon... ill have to wear... something I would like you to see, ill ask Natalie if I could get a few tickets for you and some others"

"Alright, sounds fun"

Some light taps came close to the two boys catching there attentionon and both looking to get be sound

"Oh good morning Marinette, Alya, Nino"

  Luka greeted the group and closed his notebook

Damn too bad, Adrien really wanted to know what was in it

"Uhh yeah, good morning you guys"

Adrien blurted, snapping back to his friends. Marinette giggled a little at Adrien's suddenness blush filling her cheeks, God how dumb could he have been not to notice Mari's crush on him

But he also sucked at social cues and imitated her actions, and concluded from lots of googling he ended up sending mixed messages amongst them

He wished to change that now but worse part is he's dating her second choice

"So what are you to up to?"

Alya leaned forward, cocking a brow and it was definitely some wild theory about them she was  concocting in her brain

"Oh I was just writing and Adrien just got her an came to see what I was writing"

Luka seemed pretty at ease about lowering their suspensions but for Adrien's view a single bead of sweat rolled down Luka's face

"Oh cool a new song bro?"

  Nino was a fanatic to know every little detail to do with music, that he had almost jumped for joy when Luka said he needed a "pump up beat"

Meaning Nino got to show off his "amazing" skills, meanwhile Alya was smirking well whispering something to Marienette. It was probably about me and her but I couldn't care less I'm with the person I like so no matter what they say i doesn't affect my relationship

And so for the remainder of the morning they all sat together in a circle Luka and Adrien staying side by side, silently holding pinks till the bell rang and they parted ways

Little reminder Luka is a year above the rest cause hot older emo boy 🤭 and it's my choice 😜

Word count: 597

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