Part 8.

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Luka is in the class across for Adrien's but as a learning experience eight 3rd years would be spilt into the younger classes to speak in front of the kids and just kind of chill for a week

So this week Luka was in Mrs. B's class with a girl

(Y'all I googled this time and Luka an Julika are twins but Julika was held back a year and that's how it's gonna be)

This girl Cassie, she's known as the 3 year slut. An absolute bitch and Julika informed me that she's been hitting on Luka for weeks even though Luka told her he's gay, her dumbass thinks she can "fix/change" that about him in one night

When what he wants is my ass!..

I mean he's my boyfriend so he can't and won't be with her

Also Nino told me she changes boyfriends every week so she'll find someone new soon. I mean she'd do anything for a bit of cash

Apparently, she's trying to bail her friend out of jail and so she's really buttering up to Sabrina and Chole

But whatever, as long as she stays away from Luka I don't care

Whispers in Adrien's ear
"Dude that Cassie dudette is mad crazy for Luka"
Points in there direction

"Oh.... What a whore"

That's all I said but in reality I really wanted to run up and kiss Luka in front of her, and I think he knew that when he caught me staring and smirked

She didn't seem to notice though, since she was trynna absorb his arm in her tits. Gross, she has way to much audacity to be doing that to a taken man

I let out a small Huff and turned to Nino who look right at me with wide eyes

"Dude..... Are you.."

Nino looks between Adrien and Luka, then smirks

"Your a dawg man~"

"Oh shut up, you better not tell anyone."

Nino gave me a small nod and the bell rang, through the whole class I couldn't keep my eyes off Luka. Cassie kept whispering to him and giggling at anything about him, she was such distraction that not even Mrs. B could follow her own lesson but Mrs. B is much to nice to tell her to leave the room

I glance at Nino and he's tapping some pencils on the desk like drums, I turn away and slouch in my seat

"When will this class end..."

I mutter to myself knowing that as soon as that bell rings im shoving that bitch off my boyfriend and out the motherfucking window!

Word count: 484

Soooooo super sorry I haven't been active and posting but I'll try to start up again but when it's June I might not at all because of exams and again im very sorry for not writing or noting that I'd be taking a long break.

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