Part 9.

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Cassie clings tightly to me being an honest pain in the ass even though I keep trying to push her off, I glance over the classroom when my eyes land on Adrien. A smirk plays on my lips when I see him flustered at catching him staring. For a moment I forget about where we are and what's happening just lost in his sage green eyes

Till he breaks the contact and I catch a glimpse of Nino putting his brain to work and our not-so-well-hidden relationship seeping through his eyes, but then I feel Cassie completely crash her chest into my arm and it rips me out of the short haze I was in. God this this girl makes me want to knock her out the window...

It's worse enough that she's a slut but her persistent push for someone with an anonymous partner but still a partner nonetheless and not to forget her stupid fucking words about "OnE NigHt WitH mE aND I'lL fIx THaT" god it makes me sick, sick that she thinks she's more than some guys plaything for a night, but never mine not even close to happening.

"Get off me".
I growled, but it does nothing to her smug grin

*time skip 😫*

The bell rang and I immediately shot up from against the wall and fucking shoved that bitch off me so hard I swear she also most did go out the window, well she would of if she hadn't caught herself

"Don't touch me ever again."

The words sharply snapped off my tongue and her horrid face seemed to have gotten the message "Dumb bitch." I grumbled as I walked out of the class, she tried to follow but Mrs. B stopped her wanting to "talk". More like telling her she was being a slut and distracting.

I push open the classroom door after a thumbs up from Mrs. B to leave and am met with the most dazzling green eyes and soft smile, a genuine Adrian Agreste smile. Not that fake forced shit on the billboards.

"Well if it isn't Prince Charming ~"

Adrains cheek tinted pink bringing warmth to his face, he'd be a vampire if I didn't know he could be in the sun, a cute vampire at that.

"Oh, shut up. If I was Prince Charming you'd be Cinderella"

"You're right... I'd look fabulous in her dress"

Adrian bursts out laughing which makes my face go a few shades of red but I couldn't help also letting out a chuckle. We always have such a light aura around us I've found even when talking before



"We should go out this evening"

The words roll off my tongue before I realize I'm asking him out on a date and our faces are equally bright red

"Umm... sure, I'll text you went im free"

I nodded back and with that we went our separate ways for the rest of the school day.

Next chapter their going on a little date and its gonna be sweet and cute... or is it?

Word count: 516

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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