Part 3.

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Before this chapter starts I want to thank everyone who has read this and liked it, it means so much to me as a small writer and having so many stories I want to post but I get side tracked and often write at night also since school is starting soon I might not be posting very much for this story but please 🙏 stick with me and I promise to finish this story. Once again thank you to everyone one for reading this!!!❤️❤️)

Now onto chapter three!!

Adrien's pov:

Once I turned into Chat noir and click open the window I fled from there like there was no turning back but I was so in raged staying there would've killed me

For hours I jumped along roof tops and almost got akumatized but avoided it by stumbling into Dupeng-Cheng Bakery cause me and Ladybug get free pastries 😋 for our hard work to keep Paris safe. Eventually Plage was exhausted from my bullshit and sudden actions that he fell roughly into my palms looking like he'd pass out but I did save some of a croissant for him to munch on in my jacket pocket his usual hiding spot and "some how I ended up in a alley next to Luka's house" but I knew he'd just adore my companionship and he's a comfortable pillow so a win for both of us

*Knock knock*
J: H-hello, oh umm hey Adrien do you need something?
A: Hi Julika is Luka home?
L: *Leans on the door frame above Julika* Why yes I am, is there something wrong?

Quick editor note
( Luka's like 6,2 for tall top and short bottom logic so I guess Adrien's 5,10)

A: Umm I was just wondering if we could hang out? (Please) *Begging with his eyes*
L: Pfft! You look like lost kitty~ but of course come in, Julika shoo I'm sure your girlfriend is missing you
J: Yeah yeah I get it, and I-it's nice to see you have g-good friends

Luka then leaded me into his room below deck and shut the door behind me before leaning on the wall, crossing his arms and suspiciously looking me up an down

A: Umm
L: Sooo what's your actual purpose of coming here cause I doubt your father willingly let you outside
A: God, you make it sound like I'm a dog on a tight leash
L: You might as well be seeing how your father is
A: Yeah well to bad for him!
L: ? Ooh! You definitely had a fight with him
A: Well yes but I ate and left no crumbs✨
L: My gosh *laughs*
You gotta stop listening to Girls talk
A: * Laughs* But there good words to help break up uncomfortable conversations
L: Sure whatever you say cutie, now what is it you wanna do?
A: Uhhh

And so we played board games and made fun of crazy fashion shows, just smothered in each other's contemptment, and for an hour I experienced love from someone I knew was doing it out of care

Luka's pov:

I was very surprised when Adrien suddenly appeared at my door usually it'd take weeks to even talk for a minute after school so seeing him at my door was shocking so much so that Julika got to the door before me and I had to try an act like I wasn't internally screaming

Though I seem pretty good at acting calm and composed he didn't even notice though I think Julika has some suspicions but I don't care if she knows unless she tells Rose then Rose tells all the girls and Marienette finds out that would be a disaster, I'll talk with her tonight but for now my little boyfriend is much more important

*Three hours later*

A: Hey, what's the time?
L: 5:30pm, why?
A; Shit I gotta get back to the house before dinner
L: Do you need a ride?
A: As lovely as your motor bike is I'll pass on that I'll just super hero my way home
L: Super hero your way? Haha, very nice choice of words
A: Thank you now I must go and find a dark alleyway
L: Sure, have fun doing that and be safe
A: Of course, *kisses Luka's cheek* see ya tomorrow!
*Luka.exe has stopped functioning*

Ummm so this is a short chapter cause I think for chapter four a random persons gonna get akumatized ;) so either it will end up as the whole chapter or will just be brief idk, but chat noir will not really flirt with Ladybug much cause he's dating now but I might make it like besties kind of flirting but umm yeah sorry it's so short I'm just a little stumped and stressed with school

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