Part 2.

967 14 14

Third person

That night Adrien slept at Lukas in peace and safely being held in Luka's arms, all night

In the morning (Sunday)

Adrien's eyes slowly fluttered opened as he recalled his where bouts before everything of the night before came rushing back to him a ruby red brushed over his face as he questioned what he had just got himself into, before he could borrow into a deeper state of thought Luka stepped in the room humming a tune

L: I know you're awake, no point in the day wasting curled up in my bed
A: *Softly speaks* If it's your bed then it's fine...
L: Hmm? Say something?
A: Ahh um yeah right! Does this mean you're kicking me out?  *gets up adjusting clothing and fixing Lukas's sheets*
L: Mmm no? *chuckles* It means all morning your dad has been blowing up your phone
A: Ah of course, what time is it?
L: 11:30 am
A: Well no wonder this is probably the longest I've "ignored" him for
L: Well then you better scurry along, he might be changing colour he's worried so bad
A: I'll make sure to tell you every colour *winks*
L: Hey, before you go aren't you forgetting something?~
A: *Counts on fingers* Keys, Phone, Wallet, Ring... no?
L: Haha, I mean a good morning cutie
A: Ohhhh right... Good morning boyfriend, now I must be off *waves we'll speed walking away*
L: Yeah good morning and see you Monday

Adrien's pov

I rushed out of Luka's boat thanking his mother for letting me stay, then texted my bodyguard to pick me up at the corner and set off on a mission and that mission being not having a tracker put on my phone again but at the same time I can just bribe Nino to hack it again then pull it off

Meeting my father's limo at the corner felt like a dreading doom but it was more shocking to open the door and see father sitting there still working on his iPad the fact he tagged along to pick me up was more suspicious than a caring touch in my opinion

G: Where did you stay?
A: Luka's... it had got so late so his mother said to just stay the night *shrugs*
G: How come you didn't tell me
A: I was just in the moment and forgot too
G: Well make sure that doesn't happen again
A: Yes father

The rest of the car ride we sat in uncomfortable silence, Father shot many glances at me but never did say anything else which I didn't mind looking out the window in a dream world was better than an empty conversation

When we reached the house I raced up to my room, bursting in calling out for Plagg

P: Well well well look what the cat dragged in~ a boy-loving Adrien~ haha
A: God your dramatic entrances  are really going downhill
P: Sass would say different
A: Hm I think Tiki would be jealous hearing you prey on another Kwami
P: Ah sugar cube would never
A: Sure sure whatever you say, now you didn't eat all your cheese well I was away, did you?
P: Of course NOT in case you never came back I had to say stocked up

I just brushed Plage off and made sure to order more cheese

*about one hour later*

I lay restless and bored as hell on my bed all I can think about is my night at Luka's I mean I know it wasn't something like sex but I never thought I'd out of all people would be the person Luka wanted, we have only known each other for a year

N: *Knock knock* Adrien your father wishes to speak to you in his office
A: yeah, sure whatever m-Natalie tell him I'll be right down
N: As you wish

Natalie... father's personal assistant the lady who's practically raised me since mother went overseas I see her more as a parent than anyone else in this hell of a house, not to sound bratty it is a nice place to live but there's nothing to do and nobody to hang out with nearby, either way I wandered slowly into fathers unnecessary massive office

I peered up at him well he stood on his perch like the king and everybody else was some pepsin in his eyes

G: I'm disappointed in you Adrien
A: *Crosses arms* What'd I do now that's unacceptable in your book
G: One: Watch your tone young man and second: You were out late and didn't tell me you were not coming home or even asked to stay at a friend's house also disrespecting me by not telling me such things
A: OK so your just mad I'm getting some kind of life outside of you and now I bet you think I'm doing lines in a back alley somewhere. I'm right, aren't I?
G: You're grounded for two weeks go back to your room
A: oh ya because you can't handle the truth huh?! So I'm the one at fault for your insecurities!
G: GO!

I swiftly stormed out of his office tears welling up in my eyes daring to fall at any moment but I couldn't care less I just had to get out of the damn house

A: Plagg!
P: What's up A-
A: Claws out
P: Oop

We cut off your daily read for a short intermission from our favourite ~

Also, cliff hanger cause I'm stumped on how to write the next part and told a friend I would get under a thousand words

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Also, cliff hanger cause I'm stumped on how to write the next part and told a friend I would get under a thousand words

Word count: 957

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