Part 4.

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Luka pov

L: Hey Julie's
L: Julika? *cracks open door and peeks in*
(Oh, her headphones are on)
*throws open the door*

J: Is that your dramatic entrance for the day?
L: We'll I did call you a couple times but you never heard, but being dramatic always gets your attention
J: Pfft sure whatever you say, now what do you need?
L: To confirm and set boundaries
J: On??
L: Adrien and me
J: Oh that your so obviously dating, don't worry I support you two
L: Ok thanks but I mean not to tell anyone about it, not even Rose
J: Why can't I?
L: Because she'll tell all your other friends and eventually one of you will tell Mari and she'll be heartbroken knowing both the guys she likes are dating each other. Duh!

J: Ok chill bro, but Marienette will know eventually no matter what
L: I know but I want us to be the ones to break it to her
J: So you're going to break her heart either way?
L: Yes and no
J: ?
L: She will br sad when we tell her but before we do I need to start helping Kagami get with her so Mari can cry on her and they fall in love
J: Do you even know if Mari likes girls?
L: She's Bi and Kagami's pan so it should work
J: How do you know Marienette's Bi
L: two words. Alya, ladybug information
J: That's three words
L: Oh, whatever

Adrien's pov
Ahh I certainly do just have a blast as Chat noir so calm and action packed-


What the hell was that? Can't people go a day without being akumatized

-When Chat got to scene -
C: Oh pleasure meeting you here, my lady
L: Nice to see you too kitty
Now let's kick some ass!

Akumatized person/AP: Mwahahaha give me your miraculous now Ladybug and Chat noir
C: How bout, no
L: Pfft damn Chat when did you become so savage
C: I've always been Bug you just never seen past my flirts

AP: Oh right, RAAHHHH

-*smack, boom 💥, pow* epic fight happening-

A flashlight?
C: Are you gonna shine it in his eyes or something *smirk*
L: You must be real proud of that remark, hmm?

-End of " epic" fight-

L: Bye bye little butterfly~
C: well that was a quick fight
L: you could say the Chat, pound it
C: Pound it, now imma be off I don't need to be in more trouble then I already am at home
L: see you, Bug out!

What a wild afternoon it I'm more then ready to crash on my big... lonely... fuck it Luka's is much warmer anyway, I'll just sneak in through his window

Ahh finally a place to crash
A: Plagg claws off
P: Well fuck me Adrien, do you have a snack?
S: Plagg are you ready for a picnic this time
P: If there's cheese then absolutely
S: well you can't have a good picnic without cheese!

Plagg and Sass then flow off to one of the many little scenes Luka has on a shelf just for Kwami's an I ended up falling asleep on Luka's bed he won't be very impressed I don't think

Luka's pov

I've finished cleaning the boat with mom, now I'm free to play a bit of guitar an chill before supper, maybe a nap that would be nice

(Faint breathing from his room)

What the fuck, I must be hearing shit it's not like there is someone in my room that's impossible... right? Whatever it's my room I shouldn't be worried to go in

*Opens door*

See, no one-
L: Adrien?!?
A: Hmm?
L: Wha- why- how- aren't you supposed to be at your home?
A: Mm villain attack... tired Plagg, your bed better..
L: *Chuckles* ok sure but role over I'll lay with you
A: okay

I climbed in behind him, gently casting the sheets over us and put my arm over him pulling him close. I eventually fell asleep with him, we slept for hours till Julika shook me awake seeming alittle worried

L: Mmm W-what's going on
J: it's been four hours, Adrien's dad knows he's not there and is having the police look for him it's all over the news, and mom saw you two she's giving me weird looks now cause she wants to know
L: Fuck... I didn't mean to fall asleep I'll wake him and take him home, then tell mom don't worry about us
J: Alright,just be careful his dads pretty rich he could do a lot and make it so you can't see each other anymore
L: I know I know

Julika then left my room, and I'm alone again with Adrien, so many unholy thoughts go through my head but I can't and won't rush him into anything so I first should get him up

L: Cutie? *shakes* come on you gotta wake up, your dad thinks you've ran away or something
A: as long as it's with you I don't mind
L: *Smiles softly* glad to know, but right now you gotta wake up
A: *Turns his head towards Luka* okay~

Omg he's so innocent looking like an angel and sweet like candy how could anyone hurt him

Woof, I'm outta ideas kinda idk but I'm ending the part here with...

Woof, I'm outta ideas kinda idk but I'm ending the part here with

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No idea when the next part will be out XD

Word count: 922

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