•Secrets Untold•

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The bathroom door started opening Kazuha sat trembling with fear not knowing what to do. He hugged his knees and hid his head only to hear the bathroom door shut silently. "Sh.t what do i do." he heard a male voice whisper. He peeked through his arms to see a man probably a little taller than Kazuha wearing a big red and golden hat, he had short purple hair and his cloths were a dark purple ,red and had Inazuman arts on his cloths and hat. The strange man stood listening facing the door not knowing a trembling person was behind him naked. ^Kazuha's mind- What do i do?! he broke in and he seems to be hiding. I'm naked!! i can't stand up or anything.^ Kazuha heard running footsteps through the house and swore his soul left his body again. soon after he heard a man call out saying he's not here? The footsteps started receding and the strange man sighed in relief. He started to turn around. "Don't turn around!!" Kazuha blurted out. The man froze. "What the hell?! I swear the others left what are yo-" He turned around to see a naked flustered Kazuha hugging his knees. "Your not-? Do you?." He turned away feeling guilt. "Sorry i'll um." and with those words he left the bathroom .

Kazuha got out of the bathroom and found the strange man sitting on the couch. "Who do you think you are break-" "My names Scaramouche call me scara for short." he broke off Kazuha. "Why are you in my house. Are you here to . to take me?! I'm not leaving! You can't take me i hav-" .. " I'm not here to take you i don't even know you are? i'm the one on the run . I thought this house was abandoned that's why i'm here." Scara groaned. "oh i see. wait your wanted too? i-i mean.." Scara looked at Kazuha and scanned him. " Kaedehara Kazuha. my name may be popular. has been for awhile." Sacra's eyes widened, he started laughing. Kazuha was confused "That's funny, two criminals on the run in the same house.I haven't laughed like this in ages " he laughed. Kazuha felt a strange relief around this. criminal? Scara grabbed his hat and headed for the door. "Y-your not leaving are you? Your just gonna be running and running..." "Yeah and. got nowhere else to stay what am i-" "stay here." kazuha blurted out before he could process what he'd said. ^Kazuha's mind- i don't even know this guy. he could kill me but it's too late to deny it now.^ "Alright then. let's see if you can cope with me." Scara said.

Kazuha had had a shower already and offered for Scara to have one, he took the opportunity and went into the shower. Kazuha POV// I can't believe this guy is in my house. it's been such a bizarre day, i could've been found, and what will heizou think of this. 3rd person// Kazuha sat there thinking without even realising Scara was across the room calling his name watching him . Kazuha finally snapped out of it and apologised. "What we're you thinking about?" Scara asked "What my partner would think of this." Kazuha mumbled. Scara stared at Kazuha. The silence was loud and went for a long time before Scara broke it "Where do i sleep? it seems you've got one bed, i can sleep on the lounge seeming as you have a partner." Kazuha watched as Scara went out to the lounge room leaving Kazuha alone.

< Morning>

Morning arose and the sun shined onto Kazuha's face, he flickered his eyes open and rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes. He groaned at the morning brightness and threw a pillow over his face. Kazuha heard sizzling from the kitchen and was puzzled . He got up and stalked out to the kitchen to find a purple headed man cooking. "Mm. What's cooking?" he groaned. "sorry , you let me stay i thought i'd cook breakfast." he said. Kazuha groaned a response not even himself could picture to be a word. Breakfast was ready and Kazuha realised soon after that Scara had cooked for Kazuha only not himself , he didn't question it at first but started to think more about it afterwards but didn't dare to ask why. Kazuha wondering off in his thoughts while eating ...Kazuha thought Scara was kinda scary because he didn't really show emotions... almost like a puppet.? Kazuha shook his head . Of course he couldn't be a puppet you idiot. "Silence broke out as a question was announced ." Kazuha, why are you letting me stay here?" Scaramouche asked breaking Kazuha's thoughts "I let you stay because. because.... Well your kind of like me. Your a criminal, your on the run and was in need i guess?" Scara looked at the floor thinking about what had just been said. He hummed in response, a bird flew to the window sill and squawked quite loudly. "Pesky animals what are you doing he-" Kazuha cut himself off as he noticed a note tied to the birds foot, he walked over and the hawk lifted his foot and let Kazuha take the note.

To Kazuha,
As you know i am on a case i have sent you this message to let you know our culprit has travelled to Fontain. This will make things harder as well as longer, they have approximated the time we will be gone to be about 9 days due to travel. I am sorry, i'm positive there's more food than anything in that house if not call upon Thoma. He has offered to help if in need, i'll see you when i have returned. i love you Kazuha
Sincerely yours Heizou.

3rd Person//
The bird left after Kazuha nodded. "What was that about?" Scara questioned " My partners on a case at the moment and has just informed me his case will be longer than expects due to the culprit travelling far" Kazuha answered. Scara nodded.

<3 Days later bc i'm lazy {Kazuha and Scara got to know each other more than expected and grew close friends, however does Kazuha know Scara is not what he thinks he is...}>

Scaramouche's  POV//
^ Scara's mind.. I need to tell him. Hes going to figure out sooner than later. I can't keep sneaking out at night to spy on the fatui.^ Scara sat thinking as Kazuha hummed to himself . "Scara, i've been wondering what did you do to get a bounty of whatever you have?" Scaras eyes widened. "I- uh." Scara sighed. "I don't know about you but it's pretty terrible. You can kick me out if you want i wouldn't be surprised." Kazuha stopped cleaning and turned to Scara with a confused look ^Scara's mind.. I've gotta tell him now.^ Scara paused and prepared himself . "I used to be with the fatui. I was the 6th Harbinger." Kazuha's eyes widened. "But, i cut all connections with the Fatui after i acquired the.. the electro gnosis." Scaramouche stopped at that point.

Kazuha's POV//
Electro gnosis echoed in his mind. "E-electro g-gnosis..?" He repeated. Scara nodded avoiding eye contact. "From the Almighty Shougun." Kazuha pointed out. Scara sighed and mumbled "Just kick me out already i know you wa-." "No, i'm not going to. But do you still have the gnosis.?" Kazuha trembled at the thought. "The Dendro archon took it back, i no longer wield the power of a god let alone the power of electro.." Scaramouche laughed nervously . ^Kazuha's mind..He's not dangerous anymore? But what does he mean by not wielding the power of electro anymore?^ "Then.. What is your power or vision? Did the vision hunt decree take it?! Cause if they did i will show them n-" Scaramouche laughed. "The vision hunt decree? What did you do?Steal a vision off Raiden? Or piss off someone so hard they declared you on a bounty?" Scara giggled. Kazuha stood shocked at such a guess. "How d- did you.?" Kazuha stuttered. "I know you Kaedehara Kazuha." Scara said as he made eye contact with Kazuha sending a shiver down his spine.^Kazuha's mind.. The way he said my name made my heart skip a beat.^ Kazuha's face glowed a small beet red as he turned away toward his bedroom. "It's pretty amazing of what you did Kazuha." Scara said following behind. "I-i need to be alone right now Scaramouche." Kazuha stated as he slammed the door in Scaras face. ^Kazuha's mind.. Why is my heart racing.? Is it from what he knows or the way he said my. name.? My face feels hot as well.^

3rd person//
Kazuha's mind kept racing making him tired, he dozed off leaning against his door. < 3 hours later (Noon) > Kazuha groaned as he awoke after a long nap, he sat up in his bed still half asleep. He looked around rubbing the back of his neck ^Kazuha's mind.. When did i get in my bed? I swear i wasn't here when i fell asleep?^ Kazuha wondered too much and didn't realise his body had moved on its own as he made his way to the kitchen. He yawned as he saw Scara sleeping soundly on the couch. ^Kazuha's mind .. He looks so peaceful and.. What no! Your dating Heizou!^ Kazuha stared at Scara for a few more moments before trailing off to the bathroom ^Kazuha's Mind.. what is wrong with me lately?^

[Word count 1582 words 🫣]

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