•Nothing Without You•

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{Smut in this chapter 🫣}

Kazuha fell asleep shortly after his shower so Scara decided to wait for Heizou to get home, he walked out closing the door slightly and walking out to the kitchen. He grabbed a cup of juice and sat on the couch to wait for Heizou. Soon after the door opened and Heizou entered the house soaking wet, Heizou grunted angrily as he walked inside. "Is it raining?" Scara questioned, Heizou turned around and sighed "Yeah it started when i was walking here. At the city." He said annoyed. "I'll get you a towel." Scara said getting up. A moment later Scara came down the hallway with a towel and went over and plopped it on Heizou's head, Heizou lifted his hands up to dry his hair but Scara started giggling and drying it aggressively for him. "Scara! Let me do it." Heizou said slightly annoyed, Scara moved the towel to see Heizou's face, he bent down and kissed Heizou then put the towel back over his face.

Heizou finished drying himself and was walking to the shower, Scara followed behind. "Is Kazuha asleep?" Heizou asked opening the bathroom door, "Yeah, ... he had quite the afternoon i suppose.." Scara said remembering what had happened. Heiozu turned around confused "What do you mean?" Scara started scratching the back of his head and started laughing quietly. "Tell me!" Heizou said getting impatient, "Ok ok.. We were cuddling and i started teasing him and he got a boner so i dealt with it." Heizou stood there shocked then started giggling to himself "Kazuha let you do that?" He said laughing. "Yeah but then he kinda gave me a blow job.." Heizou stopped laughing and was actually surprised "Woah is he feeling sick or something?" Heizou said jokingly "I don't know ." Scara said laughing. Scara stopped laughing and made eye contact with him. "Did you guys ever.. you know??" Scara asked walking closer to Heizou. "N-no we never. I guess we just never thought of it." Heizou said looking at the floor.

Heizou sighed and went to talk but got cut off from Scara pulling him into a kiss. Heizou was kinda surprised but soon gave in , Scara pulled away and stared at Heizou. "You know.. Me and Kazuha never actually mentioned anything like that to each other." Heizou said keeping eye contact. "So you've never even experienced anything like that?" Scara said pulling Heizou closer. Heizou shook his head, Scara leaned closer looking at Heizou's lips. Heizou connected their lips and cupped Scaras face, Scara held Heizou's waist. He then lifted him to be sitting on the Bathroom bench. Heizou started getting flashbacks to that one night, he felt his heart race at the thought. He pulled away from the long kiss and breathed heavily. Scara didn't let him have a breather for long before kissing him again, more deeper this time. Scara stuck his tongue into Heizou's mouth and explored his mouth once more, Heizou let him explore his as he shuffled his position. Heizou got unexpected thoughts of Scara. Which gave him an erection, surprised he pulled away.

"I- i wanna have a shower. Now!" Heizou said Scara was shocked at such a sudden decision. "Did i do something?" Scara asked quietly "N-no I i don't know.." Heizou said making sure Scara didn't look down. Scara held Heizou's hand with a look of sorrow, "I'm sorry if i did something i didn't mean to." Heizou couldn't stand what he said and pulled him into another kiss. Scara moved his hands to Heizou's back and pulled him to the edge of the bench so their bodies were closer than ever. Heizou was worried that Scara would see or feel his bulge. Scara keep kissing Heizou without a thought in the world about what Heizou was thinking, Heizou pulled away again puffing, "I- i think that's enough Scara." He said breathing slower now, Scara looked disappointed and put his head on Heizou's shoulder covering his face. Heizou blushed slightly at Scaras sudden tiredness although he thought. ^Heizous mine.. he's acting weird, He's very... Clingy?^ Scara moved his head to look at Heizous neck, He moved his head up to whisper in his ear. "I know what your thinking, i saw it ages ago." Scara whispered slightly laughing, Heizou pushed him away flustered. "W-what?! W-what do you mean?!" Heizou said while thoughts rushed through his mind. Scara looked down and Heizou grew embarrassed, "I don't think you'll be showering for awhile." Scara said leaning closer while moving his hand onto Heizou's thigh. "S-scara.." Heizou whispered looking at his hand.

Scara tried to keep Heizou's eyes connected with his but Heizou kept looking down at Scaras hand as he rubbed his thigh. Scara used his free hand to grab his chin and level his face to his Heizou's face grew red again as Scara pulled him into a kiss, a movement later Scara released and moved his head to Heizou's neck, he drew closer to give him a hickey but Heizou moved away "I-i've never.." Heizou said stuttering. "You'll be fine Heizou." Scara said as he bit onto Heizou's neck. Heizou over exaggerated how much the pain would have been but it felt more pleasuring than he thought. Scara had moved his hand closer to Heizou's member by the time he released, pulling away from a red spot on Heizou's neck he started rubbing Heizou's member. Heizou looked down slightly moaning quietly. Scara kept rubbing Heizou as his moans grew more louder, "Shh, Kazuha's asleep ,don't wanna wake him do you?" Scara said his a giggle, Heizou tried to keep quiet but didn't work for long. Scara too grew a erection at the noises but paid no attention to it, Scara stopped rubbing Heizou and lifted his shirt and Heizou helped him take it off, then Heizou took that as an invitation to take Scaras off. He took his shirt off , Heizou jumped off the bathroom bench and put his hand on Scaras chest. Surprised by his actions Scara looked down at his hand then to Heizou's body. He studied it for quite some time before being interrupted by a kiss, he wasn't going to let Heizou take over so he pressed his body against Heizou's making him fall slightly but he caught his balance on the bathroom bench. Scara started rubbing Heizou again, and got muffled moans in between kisses. Heizou pulled away puffing and half moaning.

Heizou took Scaras hand and held it looking up at Scara, "What's wrong?" Scara said breaking the silence, "I-I don't.. My stomach feels weird and i-i don't feel right.." He stuttered loosing eye contact "Heizou that's normal, you've never felt this before. We can stop if you wa-" "N-no!" Heizou said more embarrassed than ever. "Well then whenever your ready, take your time." Scara said gently. Soon after Heizou let go of Scaras hand and Scara spun Heizou around to face the bathroom bench. Heizou looked at Scara though the mirror confused. Scara looked at him and smirked only to look down and pull Heizou's pants down slightly. "S-scara!" Heizou blurted our only to be ignored and Scara spat down on his index and ring finger. "Why are you doing that?" Heizou asked puzzled, Scara laughed to himself knowing that Heiozu didn't know what was about to happen. Scara lined his finger up to Heizou's hole and pressed his middle finger against it. Heizou's eyes grew wide as he figured out what was gonna happen but before he could protest Scara pushed a finger inside and got a loud moan in return. "S-scara.. Get it ou-" He was cut off as he moaned while Scara pulled his finger back then pushed it forward a little hard. He kept pulling and pushing his finger inside Heizou to loosen him up. Heizou's moans were quiet and under his breathe. As Heizou got more used to the feeling Scara pushed another finger in receiving another loud moan, Scara increased his pace and Heizou kept moaning more and more. With Scaras free hand he pulled his member out of his pants and started stroking his own.

Heizou's moaning came to a stop when Scara pulled his fingers out and lined his member up to Heizou's hole. "This might hurt." Scara said before pushing the tip in. Heizou whimpered as Scara pushed more in, "You okay? Your half way." Heizou's eyes widened "H-half way?!" He blurted out. Scara pushed himself all in, and Heizou moaned loudly. "Tell me when your okay with me to more." Scara said while Heizou's head was dropped. After awhile Heizou nodded his head and Scara started pulling himself back then pushing forward again, Heizou whimpered loudly at such pain. Scara increased his pace eventually and Heizou's pain soon turned into pleasure. "S-scara.. Slow down.." Heizou managed between moans. Scara increased his movements and Heizou kept whimpering. "I-i'm gonna cum.." Scara said, Heizou tried to protest about it. "S-scara!" Heizou moaned as Scara finished inside Heizou. Scara leaned closer to Heizou and kissed him on the cheek. Then pulled out, Heizou's face was a shade of red when he turned around to face Scara, Scara pulled Heizou into a hug. "You okay?" Scara asked kissing Heizou on the forehead, "i wanna have a shower." He demanded. Scara laughed then turned the shower on for Heizou.

[Word Count 1579 Words]

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