•New Discoveries•

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Authors note- There is smut in this part so beware my hungry children it's the moment you've all be waiting for, or is it not what you seek.

Kazuha woke to no one in the bed as he sat up yawning and stretching, he looked around at the familiar bedroom and pulled the covers off and started off towards the kitchen. "Morning." Kazuha said while resting his head on Scaras chest. "Kazu i've got a case today i don't know how long i'll be gone for." Kazuha hummed a response still half asleep to comprehend what Heizou said. "You seem tired." Scara said "I didn't sleep properly." Kazuha mumbled. Kazuha walked over to make himself a tea, "I best be going now." Heizou said standing up and heading to his partners, He kissed Scara and Kazuha and said his goodbyes then left. Kazuha finished making his tea and went and sat on the couch , Scara was heading towards the bathroom to shower. Soon after Kazuha finished his tea and decided to go brush his teeth, he started walking to his room when he was walking past the bathoom and heard faint muffled noises. He stopped walking and put his ear against the door to hear Scara moaning?! Kazuha felt his face go hot as he sped walked away from the bathroom and entered his. He closed the door and stood in front of the mirror and looked at his red face. ^Kazuhas mind.. It's normal. I do it. Heizou does it. Scara does it. Only just did i have to hear him..^ Kazuha shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and started brushing his teeth.

He couldn't stop thinking about the muffled noises coming from the bathroom, he chocked on his toothpaste and spat it out, Kazuha was angry at himself because he had an erection. Kazuha sighed and walked out of the bathroom only to find Scara sitting on the bed. "Hey, i heard you and you sounded angry, you okay?" He asked "I .. Uh Y-yeah i'm okay." Kazuha stammered as he walked over acting like nothing was wrong, even tho he had a boner in sight. "I- I was wondering if you wanted to c.. cuddle for a bit." Scara whispered ^Kazuhas mind.. Just what i needed^ He thought as he felt his eye twitch. "S-sure." Scara shuffled to be sitting on the pillows at the end. He gestured for Kazuha to sit in between his legs. "Why don't we watch a movie as well?" "Sounds great." Scara sounded enthusiastic. Kazuha got the room as dark as the daylight would let it and turned the TV on, He went and sat in between Scaras legs and felt his bludge hurt from being ignored. They started watching a movie that goes for 3 hours. About an hour and a half into the movie Kazuha's boner was gone and he was at peace with himself, he felt that Scara was getting bored of the movie as he sighed loudly and hid his face in Kazuha's shoulder, pulled Kazuha closer.

Kazuha was too intrigued in the movie and didn't realise Scara pulled him closer. Scara noticed this and kissed Kazuha's cheek, Kazuha grew flustered and ignored him and kept watching the movie. Scara grew impatient and slid his hands under Kazuha's shirt and started kissing his neck, Kazuha's eyes widened at Scaras actions and whimpered quietly at the neck kisses. Scara started sucking on Kazuha's neck and stayed there for awhile and Kazuha winced  at the pain but felt it a little pleasing. Scara released himself from Kazuha's neck to see a red circle from where he had sucked on. Scara giggled to himself "W-what's so funny." Kazuha asked all flustered "I gave  you a hicky, looks like it'll be there for awhile." Scara giggled, "W-watch the movie." Kazuha said, Scara didnt want to watch the movie but to tease Kazuha more. Scara slid his hand lower out of Kazuha's shirt onto his thighs. "S-scara.." Kazuha whispered looking down. He placed his hand on one of Scaras hands and continued watching the movie. With Scaras other free hand he started stroking Kazuha's thigh. After while he moved it closer to Kazuha's crotch. Kazuha soon took notice to this and when Scara went to go closer Kazuha grabbed his hand and yelped slightly. "S-scara what has gotten into you!!" He yelled with a red face, "I'm trying to embrace my love." Scara said seductively. "Well stop it!!" Kazuha said leaning back into Scara. Scara wasn't going to stop but waited awhile after that.

It had been about half an hour since Kazuha had told Scara to stop, Scara kissed Kazuha on the cheek and rested his head on Kazuha's shoulder once again. He stealthily stalked his hands up Kazuha's thighs again and just placed them this time, Kazuha looked down and once he saw that he was going to do anything he continued watching the movie. Scara started kissing Kazuha's neck again to distract Kazuha as he reached down for his crotch. Kazuha groaned as Scara kissed his neck and gasped loudly when Scara grabbed his crotch. Instantly Kazuha grew hot and held Scaras hand, Scara started stroking Kazuha, Kazuha kept worming around uncomfortably at the new feelings. "A-ahH... S-scara~" Kazuha whimpered, Scara kept stroking Kazuha making him moan more. After a bit of stroking Kazuha had grown another boner, "I could finish it off if you like." Scara whispered in Kazuha's ear, Kazuha moaned a silent response and Scara took it as a yes. Scara reached for Kazuha's pants and started to move them down ^Kazuhas mind.. This is all so.. I've never even done this with Heizou, why am i so hot?!^ Kazuha's mind was racing so much he was feeling so much guilty pleasure ,he took a quick glance at Scara he saw his massive erection. ^Kazuhas mind.. I.. i wanna return the favour..^ Kazuha thought blushing even more as Scara stopped stroking Kazuha. Kazuha sat up and turned around surprising Scara at the sudden move. Kazuha pulled Scaras pants down and spread his legs. "Someone's hungry." Scara said grinning. "S-shut up." Kazuha mumbled as he looked down at what he was going to deal with. Kazuha's eyes widened, ^Kazuhas mind.. it's so.. big?! How?! He's not even human?!^ "You don't have to." Scara blurted out, Kazuha ignored him and started moving his hand up and down on Scaras member. Gradually Kazuha's speed grew more swiftly making Scara moan under his breath trying to keep it in. Kazuha looked up at Scara to see his head dropped back in pleasure, Kazuha stopped stroking him and Scara looking over to him confused. Kazuha adjusted himself to sit up more and made eye contact with Scara, he bent down and licked from bottom to tip still holding eye contact as Scara groaned at the feeling. Kazuha began to lick Scaras tip and circle his wet tongue around it, as he was doing this he started moving his hand up and down again causing Scara to start moaning again. Kazuha braced himself and put his mouth on Scaras member and started to suck on it, slowly bobbing his head. Over time Kazuha increased his speed causing Scaras under breath moans to be heard louder. But not loud enough Kazuha thought. Kazuha's head kept bobbing up and down fast as Scara yelped for Kazuha to stop. Kazuha ignored him not thinking of it and to his surprise Scara released in Kazuha's mouth. Kazuha took all of it not pulling away until it had finished. "Kazuha. spit it out." Scara said coldly, Kazuha swallowed it while staring at Scara, Scara wasn't surprised at his actions. Kazuha covered his face in embarrassment, Scara bent down and pulled Kazuha up onto his lap. "Kazuha." Scara sighed, "It's not my fault you didn't listen. Both times!" He said laughing. "I didn't know your were going to.." Kazuha mumbled still covering his face. "Go have a shower, Heizou will be home soon." Scara said looking down at Kazuha's member. Kazuha looked down as well not realising it was still out, he quickly hopped up more embarrassed and walked away to the bathroom.

[Word count 1385 words]
{Sorry if there are mistakes 😭}

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