•Sticky Thoughts•

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[More smut 😭🫶]

Morning arose and Kazuha awoke to an empty bed, he got up confused and made his way to the kitchen. He entered the kitchen to find two laughing men, Kazuha stood there more confused then ever ,then went over to Heizou and hugged him. "You okay?" Heizou asked calming down, Kazuha mumbled a response into Heizou's chest. "He's probably tired." Scara said giggling. Kazuha tried to hit Scara while still hugging Heizou, "Hey hey don't hit him." Heizou said lifting Kazuha's chin up to face him. "He told me what happened." Heizou said with a laugh, Kazuha's face went a shade of red and he looked away. Kazuha pulled out of the hug and went to hug Scara. "How was your night ? Did you guys sleep well?" Kazuha asked pulled out of the hug. Scara smirked at Heizou but Heizou kept looking at the ground flustered. "Yeah we had a great night." Scara said laughing, "Why not tell him Heizou." Scara said trying to hold back tears. Heizou looked too stunned to speak as Kazuha turned around he looked at the floor again not saying a word. "Why what happened?" Kazuha said worried. Heizou didn't answer for a few moments then sighed, "Scara he.." Heizou broke off looking at Scara giving him the eye of you say it. Scara laughed a little then said confidently "I fucked him." The silence was still until Kazuha started laughing. Heizou's face was beet red with embarrassment, "Heizou it's okay." Kazuha said laughing and walking towards Heizou. "You'll be okay." Kazuha said hugging him. "I know i will it's embarrassing to say tho." Heizou confessed.

<Time skip Afternoon>

"Alright i'll be back tomorrow at midday." Scara called while getting his stuff. "Where are you going?" Heizou asked walking into the bedroom with Kazuha following behind. Scara pretended not to hear Heizou and kept packing, soon after he finished packing and headed out "Don't cry i'll be back." He called while walking out. There was silence after Scara left, "I-i'm gonna go chill in the bedroom." Kazuha stuttered feeling awkward. "Okay, I'm gonna chill out here if you need anything just call out." Heizou said feeling a little upset. Kazuha nodded and set off to the bedroom leaving Heizou alone. He went and grabbed a packet of chips from the cupboard and a glass of juice then sat down. ^Heizous mind.. Me and Kazu feel more distant than ever.. I guess Scara was right, sometimes i do feel like i want to do the deed with Kazu. But i don't think he's ready..^ Heizou was lost in his thoughts not realising Kazuha had come out to get some water. He caught a glimpse of Heizou staring off into the oblivious ^Kazuhas mind.. I wonder if he's okay?^ He drank his cup and went back to the bedroom. ^Kazuhas mind.. Heizou's been really weird lately.. Does he still love me?^ Kazuha shook his head trying to get rid of the awful thoughts. Heizou thought to himself that he needed to talk to Kazuha and stood up and started walking to their bedroom. ^Kazuhas mind.. I need to speak to Heizou..^ 

Kazuha started walking to the door {Heizou's POV} I reached the door and held up my hand to knock as i went to touch the door it opened {3rd person} Kazuha was surprised to see Heizou standing at the door. They locked eyes both knowing they were thinking the same thing. Heizou swung the door open and walked towards Kazuha pinning him against the door frame, Kazuha looked at Heizou's eyes then his lips. Heizou pulled him into a kiss while putting his hands on Kazuha's face , Kazuha wrapped his arms around Heizou's neck pulling him closer. Heizou slipped his tongue into Kazuha's mouth and explored Kazuha's mouth. Heizou pulled out of the kiss and looked at Kazuha who was puffing. "You sure you wanna do this?" Heizou puffed, Kazuha pulled Heizou in by the neck into another kiss and Heiozu took that as a yes. He lifted Kazuha up and carried him to their bed still kissing. Heizou pulled away dropping Kazuha on the bed pinning his arms above his head, Kazuha layed there with blush taking over his face. Kazuha lay with his legs around Heizou's waist facing upwards. Kazuha was about to speak but Heizou bent down and kissed Kazuha once then started kissing his way to Kazuha's neck. Kazuha moaned slightly as Heizou kissed his neck , "H-heizou.." Kazuha whimpered, "Want me to stop?" Heizou asked "Wha- n-no." Kazuha whispered.  Heizou started unbuttoning Kazuha's shirt while kissing his way down his chest. Heizou kept kissing until he reached kazuha's pants then looked up at Kazuha. "T-take your shirt off." Kazuha blurted out all flustered, Heizou chuckled then started taking his shirt off then unbuttoned his pants and made eye contact with Kazuha. He smirked then bent down and unbuttoned Kazuha's pants and unzipped it. He stripped Kazuha's pants off along with his boxers.  Kazuha lay with his arm over his face hiding from embarrassment, "H-heizou.." Kazuha whispered. Heizou started stroking his own member. Then he lined it up to Kazuha's hole and slipped the tip in "M-mm~ H-heizou.." Kazuha moaned quietly, "This might hurt.." Heizou reassured Kazuha. Kazuha nodded his head as Heizou pushed more in, Kazuha moaned more loudly and squirmed around, "You okay? Your quarter in." Kazuha's eyes flew wide "Q-quarter!?" He yelled surprised, "Yeah.. i don't have to go all the way in if you do-" "No. Go all in." Kazuha said looking away. Heizou pushed more in receiving more louder moans from Kazuha. "Half way.. You sure you can take it all?" Heizou questioned looking concerned. "Yes i can." Kazuha's voice was shaky when he answered , Heizou pushed himself all in and let Kazuha adjust for a minute. Kazuha moved himself a little and grunted in pain, "It'll feel more pleasurable soon." Heizou said when Kazuha grunted. "I-i think i'm ready.. B-but go slow.." Kazuha stuttered , Heizou started pulling back, already receiving loud moans. Heizou started pushing himself back in slowly again then repeated his back and fourth movements. "C-can you go faster.." Kazuha moaned. Heizou fastened up his pace, Kazuha's moans became more louder, "H-heizou~ MmMh~" Heizou kept his pace fast and the rhythmic beating against Heizou was amazing to him, Kazuha kept moaning loudly but pleasurably. Heizou bent down and kissed Kazuha on the lips then moved and started sucking on his neck. His pace went slower as he gave Kazuha a hicky, he pulled away while picking up his pace faster this time . Kazuha got caught by surprise when Heizou moved fast.

Kazuha was seeing stars in his vision, not knowing what to do but all he felt was pleasure and need. Heizou pulled out of Kazuha "Turn around." He said panting, without a word Kazuha sat up and turned around only to feel Heizou entering him again. He fell from feeling weak from the amazing feeling once again. "H-heizou i think i-im close~" Kazuha moaned. "I'm not." Heizou puffed out. Heizou kept at his pace for what felt like ages but Kazuha loved it. Heizou smacked Kazuha's ass, Kazuha barely noticed from being too out of it in his start world. Kazuha had cummed a few times on the bed sheets but Heizou kept going waiting to cum himself. After awhile of picking up the pace he felt it coming. "Kazu i'm close.." He whispered, Kazuha moaned. Heizou picked up his face faster than before and released inside Kazuha, he pushed himself further in receiving a loud moan. Kazuha puffed with exhaustion. Heizou pulled out of him with some white gooey liquid spilling out of Kazuha. "Let's get you in the shower." Heizou laughed.

{Sorry for the long wait guys 🥹 I HAVENT FORGOTTEN i'm a slow writer... But here is some spicy stuff 🔥}

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